The Rogues

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                                  May 19
                        The Land of Fire
                      (The Silver Palace)

In the end, Daemon wasn't able to keep the promise he made with his mother. He hated Lucian because he blamed him for everything being the way it was and treated him terribly. He knew then that it was wrong of him, but he was ready to make up for not being there for his brother.

How would he fix things? Could he even make up for being such a terrible brother? Would he even forgive him?

Many thoughts ran through Daemon's mind but he knew one thing, Lucian hadn't been in a talking mood, he'd have to fight him.

"I'll beat him... and then I'll apologize... and then we'll talk." Daemon said out loud as he slowly began to emerge from the hole he created when Lucian kicked him. He removed a few rocks that were nearby and dusted himself off. His eyes finally met Lucian's and he stood there with an annoyed expression on his face.

"Ready... Lucian?" Daemon asked as he flared his mana. Lucian didn't even have time to respond as Daemon disappeared in a burst of speed that Lucian couldn't follow.

Lucian looked around frantically, trying to locate Daemon. Suddenly, Daemon appeared in front of him and delivered a crippling punch to his stomach. Lucian was sent flying, but before he could hit the floor, Daemon appeared behind him and kneed him in the back and sent him into the air.

Daemon disappeared once again and reappeared above Lucian in the air. He punched Lucian with such strength that a shockwave was sent throughout the whole building.

Lucian was about to crash into the ground when Daemon pulled him back by his arms and gave him a kick to the chest and sent him crashing into the ground. When Lucian crashed the whole building shook and it looked as if the ceiling was about to collapse, and the boy realized he might have gone a bit overboard...

He rushed over to Lucian who had been knocked unconscious. Suddenly, a freezing chill was felt throughout the room and a light fog engulfed their surroundings. A trail of ice crystals quickly made their way to Daemon and began to form around his legs and soon he couldn't move. The fog soon started to clear and there in the entrance stood Quincy.

"I let you go out and you cause so much trouble." Quincy said in her usual dull tone, shaking her head back and forth as she made her way over to the boy who was mostly covered in ice. "You even dragged His Majesty Nolen Sitorious into this..." Quincy said but before Daemon could respond, the shriek of a Rogue Deviant caught their attention.


The Dark Magic user walked down a hall located on the opposite side of the Sliver Palace, humming lightly as he went. He suddenly stopped at a door and turned to place his hand on the doorknob, he slowly opened the door and walked in.

"There you are..." He said, closing the door behind him. The room was dark, the only source of light was the moonlight that shined through the window. The room had a desk with a chair pushed into it and two chairs placed in front of it. At the desk sat a man with blonde hair and eyes that had recently been gouged out. The man was no longer alive and his lifeless body soon began to slump over.

In one of the chairs place in front of the desk sat another man. This one had been very much alive. He had dark hair and eyes that were almost black . He sat in the chair with his chin propped on his fist as he stared at the corpse.

"So... this is what you've been up to this whole time?" The Dark Magic user questioned as he walked up to the body and began poking it.

"This man was one of the owners of the Sliver Palace..." the mysterious man spoke. "He was the one in charge of the auction tonight. I simply asked him about the crystal and if he had any information on the other two that we haven't been able to locate."

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