Chapter 21

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Camila's Pov

When Kota drives us to school we see a huge crowd at the door. Kota hurries to park before we run up to the front.
"Hey what's going on?" Kota asks no one in particular
"Zendaya and some others are being held hostage. By people with guns."
Kota's eyes widen and she runs up to the front pushing people out of her way.
When she gets the front with me behind her we hear a loud bang! A gun shot. Then another one. Kota puts her backpack on the floor and looks at me.
"I'm gonna go inside and help them out." She says cupping my cheeks
"No. No you're not. You could die in there." I say holding her hands which are still on my face
"I have to. I can't standby like how I did with...with my little brother. Hakeem." She says
She never told me about a Hakeem.
"Please don't do this. Please."
"I have to baby. I care for Z and those kids in there. I'll be back my love." She says before kissing my lips and walking inside
She gives me one last look before disappearing. I fall to my knees when I could no longer see her. Thats when I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around me. Dinah. I can tell with her peach like smell.
I cried into her arms awaiting Kota's return.



Kota's Pov

When I walked inside I heard a scream, but soon silenced by a gun shot. I've passed only a couple classrooms all empty. I've also picked up the two guns I found on the ground next to dead thugs. I also put their clothes on. Both guns are loaded luckily. I figured out that everyone is spread out so thatmakes it easier for me.
I've passed so many dead bodies. My fellow students dead. My science teacher Mr. Paulson dead. I've never seen such a horrible sight.
Finally I hear voices. Sobs. I follow the sounds to a classroom. The classroom is filled with at least 10 kids and one armed man. Zendaya wasn't in this class but I went in there any way.
"Who are you?!" He yelled
I shot him in the leg then tied him up and gagged him. That was kinda easy. I escorted the kids to where I thought was safe then continued on. The next classroom was full but no one was guarding them. I showed them out bit I was immediately caught. I stuffed both guns into my pants and covered them.
"Who are you? Do I know you?"
"No sir. I was recently recruited sir." I say playing like I was one of them
"Oh well may I ask what you're doing with these hostages?" He asks
"I was told to move them sir. Someone has broken into the school and is taking down our men."
"Really well carry on." He says marching the opposite way of the front door
The kis s run when he's out of sight and I move to the next.
Finally I had found Zendaya. I could hear her sobbing. She was all alone with three mean gagged. They were laughing and pulling on her clothes. Shit. Time to act. I opened the door and they straightened themselves. Zendaya immediately recognized me but I gave her the 'shh' look. She looked away and the men approached me.
They read the tag on the jacket I was wearing and their eyes went wide.
"Sir we weren't doing anything."
"Really that's not according to my eyes. What were your orders?" I say as manly as possible which is pretty easy since my voice is kinda dee dead and raspy
"To bring her and wait for you. To save her for you." They said in unison
"So why are you doing any thing but?"
"Sorry sir."
"Dismissed." I say
They look at each other confused but leave any way
I get Zendaya up and clean her up. I straighten her clothes and removing the gag before picking her bridal style. While I was walking her I got some stares but people kept walking but when I was near the exit I felt a sting in my leg. I placed Zendaya down and grabbed my two guns. I shot the man while Z kept crawling away. He fell and many more came. I was shot twice more in the leg before police came in and shot everyone up. I was hauled out by two men.
"Kota!" Camila screamed
She saw me and grabbed my hand but my eyes slowly closed. I heard heard her saying my name and wiggling me.

Then it was nothing. Just darkness.

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