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Operative? Y/N POV

It's been a year since the incident, it's been a year since all the deaths, it's been a year since you have this disease... It's been a year, the year that you witnessed the downfall of the operatives that you once known, it's been a rise up to new operatives that you would not know... It happened too quickly...

[The past in the year]

Sitting on top of a building, while looking at the sunset, I couldn't help but to feel terrible, feeling like something terrible was about to happen, to try to take my mind off of this terrible feeling, I remember there was going to be a small little concert taking place in a basement, I decided to check it out to get my mind off of the feeling.

Falling into a alleyway to make sure no one sees me, I turned to my side to see a hoodie, without thinking, I grabbed the hoodie and put it on, I put the hood on top of my head, to make sure no one can see what I look like and slowly made my way to where the little concert was supposed to be.

On your way over to the mini theater, that feeling only increased, worry shot up, but still, you looked to the side to see a grocery shop, thinking about getting something to snack on,

Slowly creeping in there to make sure no one sees you, you made eye contact with a... short man, making eye contact the short man blushed for some reason, you being shocked that someone caught you you froze in place, the man slowly approached you and when he was directly in front of you he spoke.

"Hi there, are you new here too?" You broke out of your little trance and finally spoke up "oh hi, I'm not new here, but I'm not old here it's kind of hard to explain..."  You were clearly lying but he doesn't need to know that, he doesn't need to know that you were a ex-operative, that got kidnapped by the Nights and had a black arm with claws, he doesn't need to know that...

He started to say "well my name is Mr placidity, and I am a Dawn, and I live next to a river..."  Why did he just tell you where he basically lives, there's not too many houses that are near rivers maybe like 9 or 3...

While he was talking you were trying to find a way to escape the conversation, without just flat out saying that you don't want to talk

I already tried just slowly walking away, turns out he just followed me, lying saying how you need to babysit your little sister, he said I can join you to watch your little sibling.

You just want to see the concert, an idea sparked in your mind and you smirk evilly...

Mr. Placidity got confused and a little flustered by seeing your face... He was getting ready to say something else until you pinned him against the wall, grabbing his hands,  and pushing his hands above his head...

Mr placidity was blushing as red as a tomato, you look down at him, bringing your face closer to his he slowly closes his eyes


You run off as fast as you possibly can....

I wasn't going to miss this opportunity, to go to a concert, not after it's been years!!!!

Mr placidity looked shocked, flustered and a little bit sad, he looked at his hands which you were holding only to see a folded up piece of paper with your phone number on it, he squealed lightly and smiled 10 times bigger.

Time skip

Finally at the Little theater you walked in only to see, 11 people there and a brown headed man stood with a guitar, with a smile so bright it can make blind people cover their eyes.

Quickly walking to the mini empty seats you quickly took a seat at the far back corner, the man started to speak again saying how he was glad that everyone decided to join him... That stuff, he started to play his guitar humming along to the beat he was creating, the feeling of uncertainty the feeling of dread the feeling of something terrible about to happen finally got pushed to the side.

A loud crashing sound and people screaming cut off the man's guitar, everyone's eyes including, yours glued to the door, no one moved no one said a sound it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop on the ground, that feeling that you struggled so hard to push away came back tenfold, and you slowly got up, drawing the brown headed man's attention, you stop at the man he was holding the guitar and slowly signaled him to hide....

You looked around trying to find a suitable hiding spot, you saw three chairs put s beside each other so you slowly made your way to where the chairs were, right as you made it to the chairs, you heard the doors get broke down and screams of terror filled the room...

A joyful laugh echoed through the room while gunshots were the main thing you heard...

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