(AntiBlank) Loved

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Anti had always been a bad person.

He had done things like robbing stores, causing problems in traffic, fucking with ATMs, and threatening innocent citizens.
He one time even managed to get into the house of the mayor of Brighton and threaten him with a knife to his throat just for Jackie to see!

Jackie was always the one to catch Anti and put him right back in his place. Sometimes it was fun, to Anti. Other times not.

Sometimes Anti just needed to let out some steam, and causing mayhem was his way to do so.
Seán had created him to be pure and pure chaos, after all. Maybe the influencer didn't expect it all to go like this, though.

But simply explained; Anti was an asshole and much hated.
No one really wanted him to be around. In the beginning, the Septics had tried to change him by being friendly, but they were quick to discover that wasn't as easy as they thought it'd be. It had all resulted in some heavy trauma for every single one of them except for Anti. Before the others grew a spine, that is.

But even though the Septics grew stronger, they still refuse to do anything with Anti. Sure, he still lives under the same roof as them, but none of them talk with him, and so he doesn't talk to any of them.

None of the Ipliers were friendly to him, either, even though he hadn't done anything to any of them. Well, except Darkiplier, maybe... But the Ipliers just have heard of what Anti did to the Septics and heard about how much of an asshole he is through Dark, and thus decided for themselves that they'd be better off not knowing him.

Then you also had the MatPat and NateWantsToBattle egos, but Anti himself found them a little too chaotic to be around. Believe it or not, but he liked his people calm and collected, no matter how crazy Anti was, himself.

There is only one person that really talks to Anti. Only one person that actually loves him. Only one person that knows Anti's reasons for his actions, and only one person that has somewhat changed the glitch for the better.

"So you actually glitched money into an ATM instead of getting it out?" Blank asked. He was sitting on Anti's bed in the glitch's room with his back to a pillow that was laid against the headboard. Anti was laying in between his legs, his head resting against Blank's stomach as he was scrolling through something on his phone.

"Yeah." He said. "But then Jackie fucking tackled me, thinking I stole some. Kinda wanna see his face when he sees the amount of money I lost when he checks my bank account to see if I actually took shit."

"He has access to your bank account?"

"Illegally, yeah. And then he says he's the superhero. But he can only view it, nothing else."

Blank looked down at Anti and couldn't help but smile. He did that every time he saw him (except when he noticed Anti not feeling well or anything like that). "What are you looking at?" He asked as tried to look at Anti's phone.

"Trying to see if there's anything about possible absence from me in the news." Anti explained. "That ATM shit was a while ago, and I haven't done anything these entire two months. The cops are still after me, so I'm also trying to get them to close my case and shit due to inactivity. At least Jackie doesn't tell them where we live, and tries his best to keep my location hidden from them. But then that's probably for his own and the other Septic's safety."

"At least he doesn't just hand you over to the police." Blank commended.

"Nah. Then Seán would be in deep shit. Could cost him his career if the city discovers who has been causing trouble and who has been saving the citizens." Anti said as he shrugged his shoulders. There seemed to be nothing about Anti being quiet yet, and thus he threw his phone on the carpet on the floor.

"Hey Anti?" Blank asked. "Would you please look up at me?"

The glitch did as he was requested to do, and he watched as Blank leaned his head over Anti's and gave him a kiss right on his lips.

"I'm proud of you." Blank said as he looked down at Anti again, making eye contact with him.


"Because you're trying to change yourself for the better. Not everyone can do that, and the fact that you are able to hold out for so long so far and even return something that is literally worth a lot just makes me very proud of you." Blank explained before planting a gentle kiss on Anti's forehead this time.

Anti just stared at Blank, but the Gameplays ego knew that his words had definitely hit Anti.
Suddenly, Anti crawled from between Blank's legs all the way to the end of his bed. He forced Blank to close his legs and then crawled right on top of his lap, facing Blank. When he sat as close as he could to Blank, Anti stared at the other for a moment before leaning forward and connecting their lips in a sweet, loving kiss.

Blank rested his hands on Anti's thighs as was happy to kiss the Septic ego back.
In the beginning of their relationship, Blank was still way too shy and anxious to do anything like kissing- he didn't even want to cuddle yet! But the more he had accepted Anti's feelings (because he couldn't say no after Anti had confessed), and he realised he actually loves the glitch back, he started coming more loose to the point that he wasn't even ashamed of kissing Anti in public. Not that it ever happened, but, if there would be a chance to do so, he wouldn't want to miss the opportunity. He was fully aware of all the things Anti did, but that didn't stop him from loving him. And now he is trying to change himself, Blank only falls further into him.

"Thank you..." Anti mumbled when he pulled away from Blank, staring into his eyes with a soft look. He never looked at anyone like this. Only at Blank.

Blank said nothing in response. He just leaned forward and brought his lips back together with Anti's, gently holding the sides of Anti's face as he did so. He felt Anti glide his hands over his upper arms and over his shoulders, wrapping his arms around Blank, bringing them closer.

After a few minutes of the make out session, Blank slid his hands down and underneath Anti's shirt. But Anti didn't do anything. He knew Blank was touchy, but also asexual, and he respected that. All he did was tug Blank just a little closer with his arms over his shoulders.

Suddenly, the door opened.

"Anti, Jackie said we ne-"

Anti and Blank quickly separated, but Chase already had seen what they had been doing. Also, Anti still sat on Blank's lap, which exposed a lot.

Anti snapped his head towards Chase, staring right into his eyes with a flushed face from both the previous activity and embarrassment.

"I- I'll just tell Jackie it'll take a bit longer for you to get downstairs." Chase mumbled as he left the room again, leaving Anti and Blank alone.

"Where's Anti?" Marvin asked as he watched Chase sit down next to him.

All the Septics were sitting around the dining table, seeming to be ready for a meeting, planned by Jackie and hid suspicion about Anti.

"Yea...... Give him a bit." Chase said, a small bit of embarrassment blushing on his cheeks.

Jackie frowned. "Walked in on him doing shit or something?"

Chase shrugged his shoulders, but he looked like he wanted to say something, but was confused as well.
"I-......... Did any of you ever know that Anti is currently dating Blankgameplays?"

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