(PhantomHero) Need A Hand?

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Song listened to when writing:
Looking Out For You - Joy Again




Jackie walked in a quick pace into the living room, standing in front of the TV which everyone was watching a show on.

"Jackie, you're blocking the TV!" Chase complained with a groan.

"Fuck your TV." Jackie stated. Before Chase could make a joke out of that, he continued; "I need help."

"Since vhen do you need help?" Henrik asked, remembering all the times he had tried to offer Jackie help but the hero refused it. It made Henrik just not help him unless Jackie came to him, himself. Which has never happened so far.

"Nothing to do with hero shit." Jackie added for clarification.

Marvin sighed. "Just tell us already. I want to watch the show you're blocking my view of."

"Okay, so..." Jackie took a deep breath. "I got a date with this very pretty and handsome fella."


"And I do not know what I'm supposed to wear. I only ever went out on a date once, and that was a fake double date." Jackie rubbed the back of his neck.

"Hey!" Marvin exclaimed. "That date wasn't that fake. I knew you had the hots for me back then."

"Okay, first of all." Jackie put up a pointy finger and pointed at Marvin. "You were the one having the hots for me. Second of all; That doesn't matter right now because right now I like someone that actually likes me back and I DO NOT want to fuck this up."

Jameson waved at Jackie to get his attention, which succeeded.
'What is that person like?' He signed.

"Well, he's very... Fancy. But he also likes things like tattoos and piercings. He comes over as very intimidating and is... Um... He's known for manipulating people with poor talents... B-But he's a very sweet and nice guy when you truly get to know him!" He added that last part as he saw frowns appear on a few of the others' faces. "He likes singing, playing guitar- electric to be specific, he's funny and open and very welcoming....."

"Alright." Anti huffed, standing up from the couch. "Come with me, Red."
He walked to the door frame that split the living room and the hallway of the front door and the staircase to upstairs, only to turn around and see Jackie still standing in front of the TV.
"Trust me for once."
When he saw Jackie move just a bit, he turned his back to him and went upstairs, going straight for Jackie's room.

"What are you gonna do?" Jackie asked, catching up to Anti when he had already entered Jackie's room.

"Trust me."
That was all Anti said. He walked over to Jackie's closet and pulled it open.

"Hey, what are you doing-"

"Hold this." The glitch interrupted the hero, pulling a pair of wine red ripped jeans from the closet and handing it to Jackie.
"I'll be right back."

And just like that, Jackie was alone in his room after watching Anti glitch away. He just stood there with the jeans, looking it over. Sure, he owned it, but he never really wore it. He once just bought it because he found the colour and style cool but he never bothered wearing the jeans after one single time of doing so. He didn't know why. Maybe he was in his hero suit way too often? Did he even go out as much as he thought he did?

Before he could get into a whole train of thoughts, Anti reappeared but... With a shirt?
The glitch walked over to the hero and basically shoved the shirt into Jackie's arms.

"There." Anti stated. "I'll get out of your room so you can change. Tell me when you're done."

When Jackie wanted to argue, the glitch was gone.

'I-...... Okay then?'

It didn't take him long to get into the clothing pieces. When he looked in the big mirror that went from the floor to the ceiling that was placed in his room, he saw himself in the wine red ripped jeans, and the top Anti gave him. It had short sleeves, but was a button up that was black with small, white stripes printed vertically on the cloth. The shirt also had a pretty low v-neck.

"Anti?" He called, and within a second, the glitch was back.

Though, the first thing he did was groan. "Oh my fucking..." He sighed as he walked over to Jackie and pulled him closer by the loops of the jeans, making the hero yelp.
"You need to tuck in the shirt and have it pulled out just a tad to have it hang over the jeans for just a centimetre or two. It's a Cuban Collar, for fuck's sake."

"How was I supposed to know?!" Jackie asked, feeling a little judged.
"I have never worn these kind of shirts!"

"Well then wear them more often." Anti simply argued. He then took a step back from Jackie to see if his work paid off well, and hummed when it did. "Now, you will have to wear those black Converse of yours for your feet, and then-" He looked down to his own jeans, grabbing the black chain that was stuck to it on a side and got it off his jeans, putting it on Jackie's instead. "There. Perfect." He smirked proudly at his work. "You can wear a few rings if you have them laying around to make the look complete. If not, just wear a black watch. Or both."

Jackie nodded slowly, but couldn't help from asking: "Why are you helping me?"

Anti glanced up at Jackie, making eye contact with him before he looked away and walked a circle around him. "Because." He started. "Phantom is a guy that likes fancy stuff, but too fancy isn't his forte. If I would have let Chase or Marvin help you out, they'd go overboard and you wouldn't leave a good impression on Phan. Like this, he will drool at the first sight of you. He is a big sucker for the as of late gay fashion, you know?"
When he was back in front of Jackie, he saw a big frown on his face.

"......How do you know I'm going on a date with Phantom?"

Anti laughed, but it was quick to die down. "Oh. I know my friends more than anyone, Jackie."

"Ah..... Okay."

"And sometimes, to help a friend out, you also need to help someone you might dislike."

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