(Darkstache) The Lost Picture

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Dark grunted as he hoisted himself into the attic, having to use a regular, metal folding stairs since the attic didn't have it's own foldable ladder for some reason no one knows.
He kept the trapdoor open so that light could enter the dust filled area, the light of the attic being busted. It really was a crappy place, but at least it was big enough to keep still wanted trash that has been forgotten over time of every single Iplier ego safe.

Why was Dark in the attic?

Well, since he was such a workaholic, he tended to sit in his special chair, hunched over his desk while writing paper work at least twelve hours a day without any breaks (unless someone forced it upon him). Doing only that activity causes him to get quite some back complaints. Edward has told him thousands of times to take more breaks and sit up straight, but when you're so engulfed in your work, you just completely forget about what people have told you and you go back to your usual position.

He even felt it rather painfully in his back when he had to tried to pick up one of the boxes on the attic.

"Goddamnit..." Dark grunted as he put the box back down. Hesitating for just a small bit, he sacrificed his very well kept pants and bent down to sit on his knees on the dusty wood underneath him.
He leaned over the box in the least painful way he could, and started digging through it.

In the box sat all kinds of stuff that has been long forgotten, unless someone saw it again. Normally it stood all the way in the back of the attic, but someone must have came up here somewhere in the past and dragged it all the way to the front.

Dark frowned a bit as he found it rather unpleasant to dig through the box. It should be fairly easy to find what he was looking for, but the box seemed way more filled up than he could remember.

There were pictures, saved as treasured memories between Celine, Damien, Wilford and Mark. There were all sorts of objects that had to do with every single one of them. Wilford's Colonel hat, for instance.

Dark only got negative energy from seeing all of this. In the beginning of his existence, he could feel exactly how Damien and Celine had felt when they disappeared. It was so painful. And even now, ten years later, it still hurt, sometimes.
When he accidentally slid a finger over Celine's crystal ball that she used for seeing people's predictions in life, it lit up a bit with a dark green light. Dark came to the conclusion that that was because he still held power of Celine with him, and just dug further. The faster he found the thing he was looking for, the quicker he could leave the box to it's own devices and leave the attic.

Right when Dark was about to stop searching the box, he found something else.

It was an old newspaper.
It read;

The downfall of the mayor

Upon inspections of the disappearance of mayor Damien Fischbach, the local detective, Abe, has clarified that the mayor has passed away. Abe refuses to speak of more, and thus is the cause of the mayor's death unknown.

There was a ton more on the page, but Dark didn't read further as he saw the picture of Damien. But it was not some random picture of Damien that were meant to be put on things like this. Either the writer of the article had dug far too deep into information of Damien, or Abe had told them more about Damien that no one was supposed to know.

Because the picture in the article was of Damien and Wilford. Back when he still was known as the colonel. They were standing way too close to each other in order to have the both of them being trapped in a deep, passionate kiss.
Underneath the picture was writing a bit, too;

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