(AntiBlank) Babysitting

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It took the Septics a lot of time to trust Anti. After all the times the glitch has hurt them, it was understandable. But when they realised Anti wasn't properly created when that happened, and now he has been a proper "human" being for a while and thus being in control of himself and not hurting anyone anymore, the Septics decided that it might be worth to give Anti a second chance. And it was actually worth it! They all had accepted to try and get along, and things were finally look good!

It even turned out so well, that Chase trusted Anti with his kids if he ever needed him.

Which just so happened to be today!

Stacy was out of town for a month, so Chase has to take care of the kids, but Chase had promised Marvin a dinner date this evening, so he couldn't watch the kids, either. And so he had practically begged Anti to babysit them, since Chase knew the others were busy.

"Thank you so much, bro." Chase said to Anti when he welcomed him into Stacy's house (Chase is allowed to stay there when he gets to see the kids). "I owe you one."

"Nah, it's fine." Anti responded with, following Chase into the living room.

"The kids are playing upstairs now. They know you're here, though." Chase explained. "And you need to know at least four things; Kayleigh needs to take in cold and cough elixir at seven, Killian can't go to bed without his favourite fox stuffed animal and WILL throw a tantrum if it's missing when he's in bed, Jayden still wears diapers just in case she gets happy little accidents, and all three of them can't go to bed without a bedtime story."

"Okay." Anti hummed, nodding his head slowly. "So Jay possibly needs changing, Kay needs the elixir, and Kil needs the fox?"

"Yes." Chase simply stated. "Again, thanks to much man. I really appreciate it."

"Like I said, it's fine." Anti repeated, but then gasped shortly as he remembered a small thing.

"What?" Chase asked, hearing the gasp.

"Is it alright if Blank comes around within now and an hour?" Anti tried, tilting his head just a bit with a fake smile on his face.

Chase shrugged his shoulder. "Sure man. He's your friend, and I know he's not violent or anything."

"Yeah. Friend." Anti mumbled. He then saw Chase's glare of both confusion and suspicion, and he grew a little nervous. "Um.... Wouldn't Marvin be waiting for you?"

Chase's face changed at that. "Oh shit- yeah, thanks again. Have fun!" He said as he hurried out of the house.

Anti let out a sigh of relief. Lucky for him, he got Chase away before he could ask questions. When he had calmed after a few seconds, he decided that it was time he'd show himself to the kids.
Walking up the stairs, he tried to be as quiet as possible. He could hear the children playing in the room of the twins, Kayleigh and Killian. He sneaked towards the room as quietly as he could, planning on scaring the kids as a "surprise".

"BOO!" Killian shouted as Kayleigh and Jayden screamed from the top of their lungs, making Anti back out of the room as he himself let out a short shout.

"JESUS!" Anti exclaimed as he gripped onto his knees, bending over slightly out of shock. "Who taught you that?!"

"You did!" Kayleigh giggled as she ran over to Anti to hug him.

Anti accepted the hug of the eight year old, still trying to get his breathing back to normal.

Killian and Jayden also hurried over to Anti, hugging him and making him kneel down to hug all three kids at once.

"We missed you, uncle Anti!" Jayden said as she tugged a bit at Anti's shirt as that was a habit of hers.

"Missed ya too, brats." Anti scoffed, finally calming down again. He carefully made the kids let go of him, and when they did, the glitch stood back up and crossed his arms. "So. Tonight is just the four of us plus my boyfriend, so we can do whatever we want."

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