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"Oi, where did your girlfriend go?"

"Can you track her? I'm sure, her phone is still active since she send this message one hour ago..."  sunoo replied while getting off the plane. He sounded calm but it was just a devil in disguise, he's gonna kill those who have touched her and hurt her.

They arrived at South Korea in one hour using their own private jet.

His anger has rising a little by little, he need to save haeun before it gets worse.
"Found her..near a building at around your highschool.."jay said as he typing on the keyboard fastly.

"I'm coming for you, eun.."


"How can i get away from here.." haeun is trying to untie the rope on her hands. Ryumin's not here as she busy talking about something else with her minions.
"I need to get out from here.." she whispered and tried so hard to untie the rope.

After a minutes of struggling she finally untie the rope on her hands and quickly
opening the rope on her feet too. When she's free, she headed to the window that she saw, she can see the moon from there as she opened it slowly.

She's on the third floor on this building and she know where she is. This place surrounded by quiet environment as there was not many people live here and it was near her school. She need to exit from here before she get caught, she lend out her feet first. Stepping on the pipes that was mounted on the wall, slowly she get out and moving carefully following the pipes.

If she jump , it didn't gave her any damage but she might sprained her leg.
"Where the hell did she go!" She heard ryumin's yelling in furious. She quickly jump and hide behind the big garbage can. She take a peek to see ryumin's standing at the window where she escaped from.

"She's not far yet, find her now!!" Ryumin shouted once again as she quickly go from there. Now this is her chance to run, haeun standing tremblingly as she did sprained her ankle. Running away for her own life, she need to reach the school at least to ask for help.

She need to get there before ryumin caught her again. As she busy looking behind while running to make sure ryumin didn't see her, she stumbled upon someone.

She quickly turned around, scared if that was one of her minions. "Shhhhh, I'm here.." it was sunoo, he hug her while softly caressing her back. Haeun's leg almost gave up when she saw him, she sighed in a big relief.

"How did you know I'm here?" She asked, still confused as she knows no one knows that she was here. Sunoo's wiping the blood that was dried on her face gently.
"Let's go-" sunoo was about to drag her away from there when he saw ryumin came from behind, pointing a gun proudly. He quickly turned haeun around as his back facing ryumin.


"Sunoo!" Haeun was shocked by that sound as she look behind him, to see ryumin rolled her eyes in irritated.

"Kill her.."sunoo said, giving a signal for the others, he's hugging haeun tightly as he felt amazing pain at his shoulder. Dragging haeun down to the ground with him as he kneeled.

"Pfft- wrong target, just fvcking die already, haeun.. everyone's suffering for being with you.." ryumin scoffed as she aim at haeun again, however before she got to pull the trigger, a knife came and stabbed right behind her head. "Sh!t.." she cursed and collapsed to the ground, lifeless.

Jake came to ryumin and took out the knife that he throws, blood flowing up from her head. Wiping the knife with his hands and later he stabbed right into ryumin's heart. He smiled in relief when he saw that she's no longer breathing.

"Geez, you're still young kid...you shouldn't have do this.." jake slightly scoffed and leave the place. Calling riki who still not done killing her minions.

"That's enough..the clean team will arrived later.." jake said as riki put back his katana on his side in a scabbard.

"Sunoo's got hit, we should go now.." jake added as they quickly move away from there.

"Sunoo..can-can you stand up? Come on.. let's go..we need to get you to the hospital.." haeun cupped his face, as sunoo eyes started to close.

"Haeun, let us carry him!" Riki and Jake arrived as riki carried sunoo on his back, followed by jake and haeun.

"Grab my hand!" Jake lend out his hands to haeun who was in the back, running a little bit slower than the two of them.

Haeun look at it and grabbed his hands as jake pulled her to run faster.

As they enter the car that was parked not far from there, riki lay down sunoo on the sit as he sit behind, leaving a space for haeun to sit. Jake to the front sit as haeun take a sit beside sunoo.

"He got shot on his shoulder we need to go to sunghoon's hospital now.." jake said to heeseung who's at the driver seat.

"Hold on!" He warned as he pulled the gear and push the pedal.

Haeun just hold sunoo's hand as she cried quietly. He protected her, and by that it makes her feel guilty.

Both of her hands was stained by his blood but she didn't care, it's his life that's important right now. "I'm sorry.." she whispered it many times while looking at sunoo's hand that she was holding.

"Hey.." sunoo groaned in pain as he called her, holding her cheeks and wipe the tears that escaped. "I'm gonna be okay..don't say you're sorry.. I'm glad you're fine.." he whispered while smiling at her.

She just quietly sobbing while jake and heeseung busy talking about something that she doesn't know and riki's looking at his phone and too focused until didn't hear that heeseung called him.

A few hours passed...

"Noona, you should go see the doctor.. your condition is worse too.."riki joined haeun who's crouching while leaning on the wall, waiting for sunoo in front of the surgery room.

"I'm fine.. don't worry about me.." haeun smile as she shook her head. They've had arrived at the hospital as sunoo immediately brought to the surgery room, it's been two hours since the operation started.

"No..you should at least get treated.. it's okay I'll be waiting for him here.." riki said. Haeun nodded and stand up, fixing her messy hair.

"I'll go..thank you.." she said and walk towards the emergency department where she need to gets her wound treated.

But before she gets to reach the counter, her head started to feel dizzy and her vision getting blurry as she pass out in the middle of the emergency department, earning a gasp by some of the patients who was there.

Nurses that was on duty quickly carried her away from there.

To be countinue...

Hi , have a nice day 💐💗

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