The Promening - Deficiency [Prologue]

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Night approaches within the colony. Decorations have been scattered around the school sector in preparation for 'Prom 3071' - as various bundles of balloons advertise. The lights dim as the colony's inhabitants enter their rest periods... but silence is far from assured. A lone light flickers defiantly, sporadically illuminating a board housing flyers and posters - notably, the upcoming prom. But many are... obscured.

Atop most other postings are four missing drone posters: Angela Palmer, Lainey Gilmore, Kenzie Rivers, and Dillan Hall... nobody has found them yet. Every one of the posters asks the same thing, "Please call with any info: WDF ROBO-MURDER-HOTLINE [1675.9826.8321.0010]." Suddenly, the posters are pushed by a gust of air...

A Worker Drone runs past the board, panting as she flees from some unknown force... she sounds like she's crying. Kelsey - her name is Kelsey - slams into a row of lockers, unable to keep her path straight... before abruptly digging her heels into the ground to stop as her vision is blurred. She believes she saw a flash of purple surrounding her glasses before they were shattered...

Kelsey takes her glasses off to deduce what happened, with her visor attempting to re-calibrate its optical sensors - however, progress locks itself at 20/1##, the goalpost number repeatedly changing. She notices the shards of her glasses on the ground spark with violet bolts sporadically, periodically accompanied by matching-color text boxes with indiscernible words scrolling by in a hurry. She swears she sees a figure at the end of the hallway whenever the lights flicker... but she can't quite make it out.

In the corner of her vision, Kelsey sees a brief flash of light, her attention drawn to the wall-mounted security camera. The camera quivers momentarily, blocks of code and commands surrounding it as a symbol appears around the camera's base. It seems to be a glowing purple circle with two ovular rings within - a hexagon at its center. Kelsey thinks she saw something about... rotation in one of the popups, but she isn't sure. However, sure enough, the camera swivels around, sharply freezing in place once it's facing the wall.

A feeling of terror rolls down Kelsey's spine as she sees... that she's not alone. Another Worker Drone stands limply beneath a dim ceiling light, hanging their head to the ground as shocks of violet light branch from surface to surface around them - most focused in the drone's right hand. They raise their electrified hand slightly, every finger raised apart from their outermost. A symbol - identical to the one that'd deemed the camera unusable - hovers over the top of their palm.

The demented drone of purple complexion clenches their fist, a depiction of an hourglass manifesting and spinning briefly - it seems to be part of a loading process. Then, they outstretch their hand, and a new image appears - a hexagon with three evenly spaced arrows branching off it... the Absolute Solver's insignia. With little hesitancy, they raise their open hand toward Kelsey, who feels her arm jolt to her side. When she looks, she sees the symbol of the Absolute Solver wrapped around her wrist, locking her in place.

With a swift movement, the violet Worker swings their arm to the left with alarming force, and the symbol wrapped around Kelsey's wrist follows suit... and she is helpless to the agony. Her arm is torn off instantaneously, slamming into the lockers beside her and almost cracking open from the impact before falling into a spreading pool of oil. Kelsey screams in pain, hoping someone is nearby to help her... but her efforts are in vain.

Kelsey slowly backs away from her assailant in fear, clutching what remains of her right arm to stagnate the leakage... though she's acutely aware of the futility. The opposing Worker manifests a cleaver, rotating it before raising it over their head. The symbol of a thickly outlined circle with a hexagonal center appears over the drone's hand, followed by the cleaver turning blurry and multiplying threefold, returning to clear states. Giving their victim no time to react, Kelsey's aggressor launches the three blades toward her, wildly spinning as they fly...

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