Chapter 4: D-2: Rock-a-bye Baby

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(TW: Depictions of SA)


You haven't even peeled your eyes open yet and a bone-deep shiver rolls through you. Even pulling the comforter all the way up to your chin does little to chase away the cold and the fact that you can't warm up enough to fall back asleep irks you to no end.

Grumbling, you roll over and sit up lifelessly. All the while rubbing the sleep from your eyes with a yawn.

"Oh thank god." You jolt for a second, having forgotten you weren't alone and you blink blearily at Seungmin who crawls out of his own messy bed. "I've needed to use the bathroom for the past forty-five minutes and I didn't want to wake you."

You hardly get the time to clear the haze before he's disappeared behind the bathroom door with a loud click. Not that your brain is nearly awake enough to process much of what just happened, so you simply wrap the comforter around yourself while you mentally curse the cold. That much your brain can handle.

When Seungmin finally opens the door again, you do your best to focus on him, though truthfully you're still half asleep as you watch him walk back. "You didn't have to torture yourself for my sake, Minnie. I'm a decently deep sleeper, it's okay."

He just waves his hand dismissively, not even bothering to address it. And when you move to say something in response, you're stopped by a sneeze and another shiver.

Seungmin just raises a brow at you. "Cold?"

"Very," you grumble, hating every inch of your freezing limbs right now. "This blanket ain't doing shit. How are you not freezing?" You give his baggy shorts and t-shirt a onceover, envying him and his peaceful warmth.

When he shrugs, you grumble again at his nonchalance. And then you get an idea.

Opening up the blanket you have wrapped around your shoulders, you give him the most pleading look you can muster. "Do you care to spare me some then?"

He blinks at you. "Really?"

You deadpan. "Does it look like I'm kidding Seungmin?"

"Yeesh, no need to resort to emotional torture y/n. I'm coming."

The distance between his bed and yours is short but you take that time to spin yourself back around and burrow under the blanket. When he finally crawls over to you, he simply stares at you with wide eyes--no doubt from the new position you're in. So you just pull back the covers for him in a silent sign. When he still hesitates, you whine.

"The longer you take, the colder I get. Do I need to say please?"

"It certainly doesn't hurt," he teases. You see the faint smile that blooms on his face as he pulls back the covers and slides himself under it. Then he's wrapping his arm around your shoulder and you don't waste any time in snuggling up to him, happily accepting the warmth he's radiating. "Better?"

"Much," you murmur, settling into the crook of his arm and laying your head on his chest. "And here I was thinking that Chan and Changbin were the only ones who ran hot."

Seungmin only shakes his head as he finally allows himself to relax, despite the legs that you continue to wrap around his. "No one can compete with them, but the rest of us do alright for ourselves. Except for Hyunjin," he adds after a moment. "Put Jinnie somewhere cold and he'll freeze in less than five minutes."

"Sounds about right," you agree with a soft chuckle, relishing the peaceful feeling of your head rising and falling with each breath Seungmin takes. "And I'm right there with him. My body can't hold onto heat to save its life. I envy Chan and Changbin, they're like Stray Kids' personal campfires."

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