Chapter 7: Head Above Water

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(Note: There is some mild spice in this chapter, so keep that in mind if you choose to keep reading! Mostly fluff though. Hope you enjoy all 34k words my loves!)

"--writing in yours?"

Someone hums, the deep sound surrounding you and filling your mind for a blissed second before you're jostled a bit, the movement pulling you back out of that comfortable headspace.

There's another hum, different from the first. Not as deep and not quite as close to your ears though you feel this one more bodily. "Mmm...okay fine if that's how we're gonna play it."

You're jostled from the other side this time and you can't help the barely there whine that escapes you as you begrudgingly accept not being able to go back to sleep with the full-on conversation and tug-of-war happening on either side of you.

There's chuckles, two sets, and you can't help but whine at that too, louder this time. It's wayyyy too early for this.

"Ah finally awake are we?"

You snort. "If you guys wanted to be gossip girls and plot whatever the hell it is you're plotting so badly at the ass-crack of dawn," you grouse, determinedly keeping your eyes shut against the brightness, "I would suggest 'whispering' a little bit quieter next time."

"It's 10 in the morning, sleeping beauty. And don't rain on our parade," Hyunjin scolds, flicking your nose. "We're just having a bit of fun."

10am? You groan. There's no way it's not at least 6am with how tired you feel and how badly you just want to burrow under the covers like a butterfly refusing to come out of it's cocoon.

But you're already awake now so you may as well entertain their antics.

"Fun huh?" you grumble back lazily, not giving Hyunjin the satisfaction of responding to the blatant goad--especially as someone who seems to sleep in just as much--but you're curious as to what "fun" they could be getting up to so early already. "Doing what?"

"Screwing with Stays," Felix responds airily.

You do peel your eyes open now, meeting Felix's mischievous gaze over his chest where your head had apparently been pillowed--though you're not sure how you got there all cuddled up to him so close while you slept.

"I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt," you drawl, "and assume you didn't realize how that phrasing is more than a little--"

"Sus?" Hyunjin supplies. Then he huffs, ever dramatic. "Yeah, he's been an absolute gremlin all morning. Don't mind him, we're just messaging on Bubble."

You move to turn around and face Hyunjin only to realize that you can't move that far. Not with how his body is pressed up against yours, spooning you from behind with one strong arm wrapped around your waist, his hand splayed out on your stomach. The most you can do is turn your head and even then, you only really see him in your periphery.

Somewhere your mind eddies at the thought of how you guys got all tangled up in each other. If you crawling your way to latch onto Felix in the middle of the night is a mystery, how Hyunjin attached himself to you is just as much of mystery too.

Last night, after your rooftop escapades, you and Hyunjin had quickly shuffled your frozen selves back inside after the promised handful of minutes on the roof. And you were both more than happy to slip back into the bed with Felix, the two of you cuddling up on either side of him, secretly leeching his warmth while he slept, chuckling at the shared theft between you all the while. So if that's how you guys fell asleep, how in the world did you all end up in this configuration?

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