Chapter 6: Work of Art (Part 2)

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(TW: Mention of SA)


"Chan's been suspiciously more generous since you've joined our little party." Lee know eyes you, playfully attentive as he says it, all the while keeping pace with a very distracted Hyunjin. "We definitely need to keep you around. I could get use to the royal treatment."

You raise a brow at him, at his blatant honesty now that Chan and his half of the kids went off to a different part of the museum. "Oh? Is that all I'm good for?"

He huffs at you, rolling his eyes. "Hardly. But it is an added benefit. Oh and the head massages--once the rest of us actually get one," he says with a pointed look in your direction. Which you promptly ignore in favor of turning to your right and focusing on I.N, to which Lee Know scoffs, offended.

"Long time no see Innie. How are you?"

When a slightly bigger stream of people make their way past you guys, you can't help the undeniable need to sidestep, carving out a bigger bubble around you before reconvening with I.N. But at least your anxiety seems to be kept at bay for now, despite the hustle and bustle undulating around you. At least enough to halfway enjoy walking around with the boys. It's progress, however small.

And you take it as double the progress simply over the fact that you're out here in public, calm and civil despite the fact that your insides are still cramping and feel like they're being torn to shreds.

I.N just eyes you, looking equal parts concerned and curious. "I'd much rather ask you that question," he admits, gaze flicking over you, no doubt noting all your obvious tells.

Up ahead a few steps, you vaguely see Felix thread his arm through Lee Know's, who oddly lets it happen without qualm. And the pair wander off to a handful of marble statues in the current exhibit, almost as if to give the two of you privacy.

"How am I?" you repeat as you watch them, and I.N nods. You just shake your head softly in response. "I'm not really sure to be completely frank."

Truthfully, you don't know if you have the energy or the mind to give a true answer to the question. But at the same time...there's a part of you that's urging you to open up. That's pleading you to. To talk to I.N. To tell him about the mess inside you.

Lee Know had been able to help you work through it a bit, so why wouldn't I.N? Maybe he has some wisdom that could shed some light on your issues. Especially since he's always been one of the more insightful ones of the group, even if he is the maknae. But even if he can't help, one thing's for sure. Keeping all of this bottled up inside of you sure as hell isn't doing you any favors.

"I wish I could tell you," you respond honestly after a long moment. "Not that I don't want to. But it's such a vague open-ended question and there's just too many ways to answer it. Too much going on in my head to pinpoint any one thing. I...I just don't know if I'll be able to figure out how I'm feeling for a while. Not enough to boil it down to one emotion, that's for sure."

I.N seems to ponder your words for a good minute as you guys slowly wander after where Hyunjin had flitted off on his own in the exhibit. You make sure to keep him in your sights as the two of you walk, at least. Making sure he's safe. "Okay..." I.N says tentatively, "so if I narrowed it down to something else, would that help?"

You wish you could give him a definitive yes, but you really don't know anything at this point. "Only one way to find out I guess."

I.N nods at that, processing yet again. And it takes him another few moments of thinking for him to seemingly settle on: "Can I ask about what you told the...the cop?" He peers over at you, his soft smile at war with the doleful look in his eyes. "Is it really like that for you guys? For women?"

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