Chapter 6: Work of Art (Part 1)

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(TW: Mention of SA)

When you wake this time, your mind is quiet. Devoid of the grinding white noise that had previously taken residence in your brain. And while you're thankful for it, the absence feels odd. Like everything that went down was a faraway dream that never existed in the first place. Merely a figment of a different plane of reality.

Painfully, you peel your eyes open, forcing a sigh of relief, determined to be thankful for your current state of being.

When your vision clears of the sleepy blur, your eyes slowly focus on the space in front of you. Where you spot the relaxed face of Chan. Chan who's still sleeping next to you on his borrowed bed with your hand still twined securely in his.

His work-roughened skin is comfortingly warm against yours and his hold, while loose, is tight enough that you're sure he didn't let you go all night. That you couldn't pull away from him right now even if you tried.

Looking at his face, you're able to see just how peaceful he is while he sleeps. The relaxed muscles. The faint smile. Proof in how he's momentarily rid of the stress and responsibility that sits squarely on his shoulders in his waking hours.

You know he doesn't get that much sleep in general and insomnia is his worst enemy when it comes to him trying to getting good sleep, but you're thankful that he's been able to get a few hours of decent rest tonight. Whatever caused it, you're thankful for it.

You hear a groan from across the room and you peer over to see Han sprawled out, stretching his arms and legs. Then he's blindly patting the bed beside him and when his search comes up empty, he's lifting his head and looking around the room sleepily, quickly spotting you.

You throw a finger toward your lip, quieting anything he would want to say so he doesn't wake Chan. When Han nods at your silent request, you refocus on your hand joined with Chan's and delicately work your fingers out from between his, though the man does not make it easy in the slightest.

After a few painfully close calls, you've successfully freed yourself and you roll out of the bed before he can notice you're gone. Then you're quickly crawling into your own bed again, joining Han under the covers before you have the chance to get cold. Much to your surprise, Han doesn't hesitate to settle back down, his sleep-glazed eyes meeting yours across the pillow you're now sharing.

"Can't help but give into the mama bear inside, can you?" he whispers after a moment.

You quirk a brow, whispering back at equal volume. "What do you mean?"

Han nods over your shoulder toward the other bed. "Helping Chan. After what you went through yesterday...I know he wouldn't have called you over there himself. So I'm guessing you found your way over there to talk him down, so to speak." When you go to ask how he knows what you had been doing there, he rambles on, seeming to read your mind. "We all saw how he took everything. He was...well he was a wreck. And now you got him sleeping soundly."

You feel a blush creep up your cheeks and when you hide your face behind your hands, Han just chuckles at your antics. But after his laugh fades, he sighs. "You were dealing with some pretty heavy shit and yet your need to help others overrides your own needs and issues so wholly that you're already taking care of us again. Hell, you were already babying me last night before we fell asleep."

You feel Han's fingers at your wrist then, gripping them softly to pull them away so he can see your face again. "Ya know, you're like a second Chan. And I won't lie, it's a bit concerning."

You blink. "Concerning?"

"We love the man to death y/n, but do you know how much we worry about him? What he puts himself through for us? We can barely stomach his self-sacrifice, we can't handle you tacking on more."

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