Something Ahead

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When he spoke, I immediately smiled. I recognized that voice.

"Ein right?"

He nods and then bows, " At your service, m'lady."

I chuckled while he regained his posture and smiled at me.

"I didn't expect that you'd be here tonight, Y/n. You do look quite elegant." He said as he drank the punch.

"Thank you, Ein." I giggled.

"Where are your brothers by the way?" He asked.

Weird. Why would he ask that?

"Oh, I didn't mean to be weird, Y/N. I just find your brothers intimidating." He said scratching the back of his neck, nervously.

I raised my brow and looked at him, "And why is that?"

He awkwardly chuckles and then looks down.

"Well, they can be very protective of you, and knowing your status as a Ro'meave..."

He lets out a heavy breath. 

" They could easily wipe me out of existence." He said laughing lightly.

I found it weird that people always thought of our family as some sort of high power in society. I mean, remembering a few details from long ago, Derek, Aaron's father was one of the high men.

"Hmm. That's a bit exaggerated, don't you think?" I said as I raised my eyebrow at him.

He laughs and shakes his head.

"No. It's appropriate. Anyways, have you seen the history hall? It truly is amazing seeing what's left of the past." Ein said as he looked around.

"I've been there with Zane and had a revelation that our family dates back to the olden times. Like seriously, the names, the look, and the family composition. Except...there wasn't any of me except that strange Jury of Nine named Lilian the Silver Scythe. She kinda did look like me." I said shrugging.

"Drink madame?" A butler approached us.

I nodded and took the drink, "Thank you."

The butler nods and walks away. I took a sip and smiled.

"Punch. Perfect." I said, smiling.

I looked at Ein and caught him smiling at me.


"You do know you're the most adorable among the Ro'meaves." He said before he drinks his punch.

I smiled, " Oh I know I do. I'm the cutest as well."

"Can't argue with that, princess," Ein said.

I looked up at him with a suspicious look. My eyes narrowed as I looked at him.


He stepped back and then adjusted his suit.

"Well, I uhh...heard you're the Ro'meave's special princess? So, I thought you'd be fine with others calling you that?" He said in an awkward tone.

My brow furrowed at his words and stepped back.

"You're weird, Ein. Very weird."

"Well I uh-"

"ANGELA!" I heard one of my brothers call my name.

I turned around to see Garroth approaching me. 

"Are you alright? You seem to be talking to a wall." He pointed out.

"What do you mean? I was talking to-"

When I turned around, Ein was gone and I was indeed facing a wall. 

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