Chapter 10

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"MICHELLE" came the voice she couldn't fail to recognise. She looked up to see Valerie waving totally uncharacteristically, and felt even more convinced that this meeting was something Valerie was almost desperate for. She raised her hand, but didn't respond with her voice. As she got closer, she pointed to the counter, and once again Valerie almost shouted, "I got you a latte!" It was only then she looked around, and saw the place was completely deserted. She glanced at the board outside. Her mind said, "it doesn't open till 11", and as she did so, she glanced at her watch. It was 10:22am. What the HELL was going on?

She looked back at Valerie as she approached the table. She was (as always) immaculate. Hair perfect. Nails are perfectly polished. The clothes, all designer, the shoes, not Louboutin, she thought them vulgar, but Geiger perhaps. Valerie ALWAYS had a class and style that she never let slip. Except, Michelle saw a sadness in her that she had probably never registered there before, but, if her mind tried hard enough, she could remember seeing.

"So sorry I am late," Michelle blurted out. "I thought this place didn't open till 11?" Valerie smiled...."it doesn't, unless your husband is chairman and owner of the golf club, and the owner of the coffee shop plays the same course."

Michelle's mind did a double take. Perhaps she underestimated Giles and the amount of influence he actually had on everyone. Michelle smiled, as Valerie continued, "no point having some influence if I can't use it sometimes." Michelle smiled again, a little nervously this time. "don't worry" said Valerie, "it's just two friends having a coffee, if anyone asks" and it was her turn to smile. "but on this occasion, I will be doing most of the talking". Michelle sipped her coffee, and swallowed hard. "why me?'' she asked. "It's simple" said Valerie, "you are the only one I could trust, because you have some sense, some sensibility, and because you are cheating on your husband and he doesn't know" Michelle spat her coffee out. "what"? "don't try to deny it. You have either been having an affair, or are screwing around and have been for a while" Michelle felt herself go red. "Ok" I'm listening,"Michelle replied sheepishly. Valerie grinned. "Good, so I won't say a word, and you can tell me all when you feel ready, right now I need to talk to someone. And, as I said, I can only trust you, and if I don't talk to someone, I will explode, so here it is, I have been having an affair for 13 years. Same man. " Michelle spat her coffee out again. "Shit" she exclaimed. "Yes, it is to be honest, he is dying, and I am hurting like hell, so I needed to let it all out and at least get it out of me. I'm sorry it's a bit of a bombshell, but to be honest, I have never felt so relieved as I do right now."

Michelle sat, a little dumbfounded. And looked at Valerie. Who had wet eyes, and was clearly feeling extremely emotional. "how, when, why, where?" thoughts that smashed into her brain like a freight train. Michelle muttered, "I'm SO sorry." "I don't need sympathy, just a friendly ear". Michelle smiled, "well, I can certainly do the listening part, and I have a tissue too". Valerie looked into Michelle's eyes, and Michelle could see the tears. Valerie took a deep breath, and said.....I don't know where to start, so I will start at the beginning." As she grabbed a tissue.

"It started almost 15 years ago. Giles was always working late, or had meetings, or was probably screwing his secretary, and I was simply fed up with it. Lonely, as I didn't have many real friends, and certainly not any who I liked spending much time with. Yes, I know I am a stand offish old cow, and I don't suffer fools gladly, and I suppose that's why people see me as cold, but I don't really give a shit, I had a tough upbringing, and I guess I got made that way". Michelle was dumb founded. This woman who she had never really got close to was seemingly pouring out her life. She didn't say much, just sat and listened and let Valerie carry on. "So I decided I would go swimming. It was always something I liked as a kid. I really enjoyed it even if I wasn't exactly a channel swimmer, I thought it would get me out of the house and perhaps meet new people. "Valerie sighed. " and BOY did I meet someone". Michelle looked at Valerie's face light up. She could see there was joy behind the sadness.

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