Chapter 21

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Michelle replied to Charlie. A simple. "enjoy". The smiley face emoji came back, along with a beer glass. She laughed out loud. Just then the Whatsapp "I'm here". Michelle almost ran to the door. She opened it to find Valerie smiling. "Hello you" she greeted her with a smile. "I guess they have gone out together, are you hungry?" Michelle asked. "I'm starving," Michelle smiled. " Fancy a kebab?" she almost laughed as she said it. Realising a kebab probably wasn't Valerie's idea of fun. "Doner please" was the reply, "with Garlic Mayo!" Michelle turned, "you are just full of surprises!" she laughed. And poured a cold glass of wine as she did so. They both took a big gulp. And then, suddenly and without warning, Michelle burst into tears. She sobbed as Valerie put her wine down and consoled her. "I can't take this" she managed to blurt out. Valerie understood only too well what she was going through. Valerie wiped her tears. "Then you need to get your arse in gear with Charlie and make some sort of plan, Michelle. Because, from where I am sitting, Tommy isn't going to get any better, and, if the pair of them get much deeper, they will only get worse." Michelle looked at her. She knew she was right. It might take some time. But somehow, she needed to be free of Tommy. Of the drugs. Of the dangers. And not for the first time in her life, she genuinely felt a little scared of him.

The doorbell rang. And within a minute, chips, kebabs, and assorted condiments were scattered across the kitchen. Coupled with another bottle of pinot grigio, the two women began to laugh and relax. The pent up energy of Tommy's actions finally releasing from Michelle's mind. And Valerie being brave enough to admit to Michelle that the sex site had turned her on a lot. Since she had met Jamie her sex drive had gone into orbit, and she needed to fulfil her desires. Whether virtual or real remained to be seen, but, as the wine went down, she opened her phone. And as the evening wore on, the two girls laughed at small cocks, fat men, and seemingly sex gods all who seemed to be desperate to meet! Michelle told Valerie to take it slow. And to expect that she would see plenty of photos of men, who if she ever met them, would be at least ten kg heavier, and a whole lot uglier! She tried to advise her not to just meet and fuck. But she knew in her mind that she had done so many times, and the more she thought of it, the less she liked herself. Valerie smiled, they both laughed, and teased and enjoyed a naughty, drunken evening with neither of their husbands entering their minds. They chatted to a few guys, and both women by the end of the night were definitely feeling hot under the collar and horny!

As they climbed the stairs, Michelle thanked her friend for the company. Valerie smiled. "It's been my pleasure" she smiled, "now, get some sleep, I'm going to chat to Enrique!" and a wicked grin appeared on her face, as she entered the guest room. Michelle laughed. She had needed it tonight. And, right now, had a plan in her head to see just how much Charlie REALLY wanted something out of this. She went to sleep feeling that somehow, her life was going to change, and she couldn't right now be sure if it would be for the better or worse.

Valerie was still asleep when Michelle woke. Michelle guessed "Enrique" must have kept her interest late into the night. She smiled. Remembering her addiction to the site and all it had to offer. Good or bad by the end, she had just wanted sex. And it had become dangerously close to not mattering how she got it. She needed to make sure Valerie didn't fall into the same trap. If she regretted nothing else, she hated the fact she had lost all her self respect. And she could feel that, with Charlie at least, despite the fact she had probably behaved like a slut, he had a depth to him that she had honestly never felt before. She liked him. And it seemed he liked her. Love at first sight was so corny. But, despite the fact she didn't like the expression, it's kind of how she felt.

She went downstairs. Her mind had not even noticed that Tommy had not come home last night. As she went into the kitchen and opened curtains around the downstairs, she heard the Aston Martin pull into the drive. As it did so, Valerie came down yawning. "This should be interesting, '' she said and grinned at Michelle. Tommy opened the door. As he came in Valerie tapped her watch. Michelle looked horrified, but Valerie clearly was not afraid of Tommy. "What time do you call this!?" she laughed. "Who the fuck do you think you are to ask me? '' he snapped. Michelle looked at Valerie. She smiled. "I'm the fucking wife of the man who bankrolls you, you jumped up little prick. And don't you DARE forget it". The voice was harsh. Menacing. Michelle fought the smile. Tommy walked up to Valerie and smiled. "Of course" he said, and, pushing past her said "I'm going to bed" to no one in particular. Once Michelle heard the bedroom door shut she burst out laughing. "Shit Valerie, you are brave". "I'm not brave, she replied. "He needs a few home truths, and I am probably the only one who can give them to him. But I have to say, it felt good!" and she laughed too. Then her face hardened. "Don't you DARE let that man touch you again. Giles may be the brains and not the muscle, but I won't take any shit from him, OR Tommy. And neither will you." Michelle was amazed. Valerie was so strong, and she could feel the strength coming back in her too. "I won't let him touch me again," she said. "And I suggest you ask Charlie what he intends, coz if you don't, I will!" and she laughed again. Michelle wanted to know too. She needed to know.

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