Chapter 25

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Anesh ended the call with Valerie. He had always loved her. Despite the bitterness he felt towards Giles, Valerie was indeed a wonderful person who had never questioned his sexuality or friendship. And he did an awful lot for her based only on her word. The money from Charlie had indeed landed in the bank. And Charlie had sent an extra 20000 euros to make sure Anesh had no problems in any registration or paperwork issues he might run into. Anesh smiled. 20 grand for doing nothing he liked very much indeed. He had around 50 properties at any one time and he had most of the officials that he needed to keep on side in his pocket. So one property deal for a guy like Charlie Summer was a breeze, when he was used to doing them for far more high profile clients. He wanted to keep Valerie happy, so he had done it, "as a favour", and he felt anything that allowed him to get one over on that arrogant arsehole Giles meant a one up for him.

Charlie didn't care about the money. He had worked bloody hard, and also had been very shrewd, and it had allowed him to build a fortune that only really his son knew the depth of. Charlie knew that there was a chance of losing everything, but he was pretty confident his son was smart enough, if a little hot headed, to make sure things would be fine. Valerie smiled as she put the phone down. Anesh was such a sweetie. And, if things went the way she thought they might, she would need all of Anesh's help and know how to make sure that Charlie and Michelle had a chance of making their life what they wanted it to be. She was no longer mourning Jamie, but was determined that she would no longer let herself lose focus. She had lost the one thing she loved dearly. She would not let Michelle do the same. Nor would she let Giles or Tommy stand in her way anymore. She was definitely strong enough to take them on.

Tommy slept late. Michelle was pleased. The last thing she wanted in her mood was him trying to be "nice". She had made sure that she could get into the loft. And that suitcases were easily accessible. When the time came. She wanted nothing holding her back. She went into the bedroom. Tommy was sleeping heavily. She smiled. It would be so easy right now. Yet she knew she needed to be practical. Nothing stupid. She opened her phone. Looked at the photo she had taken of him with that slut. She leant over Tommy. Every fibre of her body wanted to lash out. To take revenge. She picked up the scissors. NO. She was not about to. She had to take her time. Make sure.

Charlie rang Callum. "I need a chat mate, what are you up to?". A female voice in the background said "come back to bed". Charlie smiled. "Tell her your dad said no, he needs a chat". Callum laughed. "Ok old man" he replied. See you in an hour or so". Charlie smiled. It was 20 mins to his house. Callum clearly was going to make the most of Sam the barmaid before answering his dad's request! Charlie muttered. "Little shit" and went to his man cave. Whenever he felt pressure, Charlie closed the door to the huge garage, and turned up the music. He looked around. It was a strange sort of bar. A jukebox. Lots of old pictures and signs. Some wonderful speakers, and four cars that Charlie would never sell. He just came and looked some days. The fruits of his labour. If everything else went wrong, he had his "special" cars, that, he would never want to sell. But if he had to, he had enough to start again. Almost bang on the hour, he heard a voice. "Beer or cider old man"? And he smiled. His son was just as bad as him with the booze at times. And it warmed him that he could trust the business and most of his treasures to his son. As Callum approached, Charlie wasn't sure how best to speak to his son. He decided just to come out with it. "I'm moving to Spain son" Callum looked at his father. "With Michelle?" he questioned. "With Michelle" he returned. Callum looked at his dad. "You in love old man?" he smiled. "I am you little shit" Charlie replied. "As long as you are, you know I will have your back. BUT. Are you sure? You know nothing about her? Do you?" Charlie smiled. "I know enough". He reassured his son. "I will be back. But I need to get away and let the dust settle. We know what her old man can be like." and he held his arms up to show off his muscles. A belly he may have, but the arms still packed a punch. "Then I'm happy for you dad" his son replied. "Can I have the Aston?" Charlie threw a bottle top at him. "Not until I'm dead!" he laughed. Besides, you have enough bloody cars!" Callum laughed. "But I don't have a DB5!" "And you still don't!" Charlie smiled. He stood. Gave his son a hug. "Thanks mate" he said with affection. Callum smiled. "That's alright old man. Now. You gonna buy my dinner?" The two men talked late into the night. Valerie sat in silence with her husband, and Michelle waited for Tommy to leave for the club. And began to sort suit cases. She emptied her jewellery. And smiled. She finally had a reason to smile.

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