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It was 7 am in the morning and the sun was already shining really brightly. Yeosang blinked his eyes a few times before rubbing them gently as he sat up on the bed. He looked around the room and San was nowhere to be found. Yeosang's body was hurting like a bitch because of last night. Him and San had gotten kinda sexual. Yeosang slapped his own face a few times from embarrassment, wondering why he had let San go that far with him. He felt selfish and ashamed. Yeosang's thoughts were gone as soon as his husband walked inside the bedroom.

"Ah, I'm glad you're awake, I have something to tell you." San said while looking in the mirror as he fixed his necktie. "I'm going out with the boys in a bit so you're gonna have to go back on your own. My parents have prepared everything at our new house already so you can go there straight away."

"What?" Yeosang was stunned. His body was aching and they literally just got married, he didn't expect his honeymoon to last for a day.

"They're coming to pick me up by a car and i'm going with them so you have to go home on your own." He responded while putting on his suit blazer.

"But I don't know how to go alone-"

"It's the same way we came here today. I'll ask my secretary to pick you up and he can take you home by the boat."

"Why can't I tag alone with you and your friends?" Yeosang's voice cracked. He was a bit disappointed that he has to stay all alone since their honeymoon just began.

San turned his gaze towards Yeosang and took a deep breath. "Just because we're married, doesn't mean we have to share everything. My friends are mine and yours are yours."

"That's not what I meant, I just expected us to hang out today since we are still on our honeymoon."

"Kang.." San sat down on their bed and held onto Yeosang's hand while staring at the boy. "Don't take any of this seriously. I am not your real husband and I don't love you, all of it is just fake. This isn't even a real honeymoon, It's just a stupid plan our parents made up. I will never love you."

Yeosang felt a lump in his throat. A part of him wanted to punch San's face so hard that he wouldn't be able to show up anywhere anymore with his bruised face but shook away the rough thoughts and bursted into tears instead as soon as San left the room. He hugged his knees and sobbed loudly. How can someone be so mean with their words? Yeosang was someone's precious son, he wasn't meant to be treated like shit.

The day passed by really fast and it was already 9pm in the night. San had just arrived at his new house, he unlocked the door and headed inside. He took of his shoes and placed them beside each other nicely before entering the place. "I'm home."


Why was nobody responding?

San took a few more steps inside and looked around the empty house. The lights were turned off just like they were before they went on their honeymoon. He walked around the house, from room to room until he entered the guest room where he saw Yeosang sleeping in the guest bed. He wondered why the other was sleeping in the guest room when they had their own bedroom but then again he preferred it like this because they weren't in love for real. San covered Yeosang more with the blanket and shut the lights off before walking out of the room.

Weeks passed by and the two barely spoke to each other. San found it very awkward and wondered why Yeosang wouldn't speak to him. Whenever he came home from work, Yeosang would be sleeping in the guest room. He would never eat home cooked meals but takeaways. San was starting to get worried at how Yeosang never went outside. It felt like the boy's personality changed completely after their marriage. Yeosang's instagram feed looked exactly the same as before their wedding. It was finally Friday and San was getting ready for work. He grabbed his white doctor coat and put it on. Strangely Yeosang was eating breakfast today at home. He had made himself and San some waffles with eggs. Yeosang didn't really speak to San but he still cared about the other's wellbeing. "Thank you for the food." San said quietly and took a bite of his waffle.

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