pt2. The Plan

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How was the first chapter? Hopefully at least a good set up for what's to come.


I've been at Wistal Castle for about three days now. Most of the time I've spent asleep and the rest I've talked with Shirayuki. Dad was always resting when I was awake so I didn't talk with him. I never told Shirayuki what really happened back home because I wasn't sure if I was allowed and she was more than understanding of that. So instead, she asked me about the people who followed me here. I told her about dad and my non-related family then my friends. She actually wanted to give me the chance to be with my friends for a while. It looked like Ollie was the only one not too badly hurt to come see me. We met outside in this beautiful herb garden at the top of the steps. I guess he and the others were placed in the guest wing so I'm not sure where dad and I are. Some type of upper class suites maybe?

"June! You're alive, right?" Ollie shouted as he walked over with a crutch under his arm and a maid at his hip who left when she saw Shirayuki by my side.

"Of course!" I shouted and couldn't help my smile and a fluttering chest. He's really okay.. "I didn't think I'd see you again. I thought you might have gone to be with Emily." Emily.. his girlfriend who lives a town over from ours.

"How could I leave my commander behind like that?" He hummed teasingly, even scrunched his nose at me.

"Shirayuki, this is Ollie. We've been friends since we were kids and came from that same um.." I couldn't figure out what to call it. A fight?

"Fire." Ollie finished for me and locked eyes with me. So it is a secret but why?..

"Yeah.." I nodded and lowered my eyes.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm a court herbalist apprentice here, if you ever need any pain relievers or anything you'll probably find me" she introduced herself with an awkward laugh. She must wonder why we're being secretive. "Well, uh, I'll leave you to it. I've gotta get some things here so whenever you're done, just shout for me" Shirayuki told me with a smile and gentle pat on my shoulder. I nodded and gave a little smile before she went and walked down the stairs into the garden.

"That's what the prince wants us to call the raid.. He wants us to say it was a fire that escalated somehow.." Ollie explained as he slowly made his way to the bench where we both sat down.

"Is there a reason for it?.. And why am I suddenly a noble? What did I miss?" I asked with a sigh as I reached for my back and scratched around the stitches.

"Prince Izana doesn't want any other towns getting scared over the cartel and any more bandits. He says there might be a new situation regarding the cartel and he doesn't want any rumors spread before something happens. I guess it could escalate things.." He explained to me as I kept nervously scratching.

"I knew we always had an issue with the cartel but it was always so quiet I just never thought about it.. But why did he choose me and my dad to be nobles? What would we do to help?" I asked with a sigh as I finally scratched too hard and hurt myself.

"Don't you remember anything about what happened? I mean, even before they came, you got everyone ready! You gave us a plan and motivation and it would've worked too if the cartel didn't show up.." Ollie exclaimed with a sigh and made a big deal about things.

"Exactly.. What's the use of a plan that wouldn't work in the end. We lost a lot of people and it's all my fault. We should've just ran.." I muttered as I lowered my head.

"If anything, it's Prince Izana's fault for not sending help when we begged for it. They all knew about the attacks.." Ollie sighed. That didn't help me at all.. "And.." he began as he set his hand on my head causing me to look up at him, "Even if the original plan fell through, you made adjustments. Your family has always watched over everywhere we've lived. You guys always made an effort to help the town when things were rough when the others didn't." He told me proudly.

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