pt7. Healing

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My head was still spinning and I felt cold and weak. My throat burns and so do my ears. My jaw hurts a ton as well. I managed to peek my eyes open. I was in the bunk room in the castle.. Obi was asleep sitting up in the corner napping the morning away. There was a door leading to the next room which is wide open to the herbalists.

"Mn-" I started coughing. The coughing led to pain which led to crying and eventually throwing up. Shirayuki, chief Garak, and Ryuu all ran into the room when they heard the coughing and got me a trashcan and to turn over on my side. I coughed up blood and a bit of water but I had nothing else in my system. My chest hurts now too.

"You're awake.. You're alive!" Obi shouted which made the headache worse. I scrunched my eyes painfully.

"Sh!.." Shirayuki hushed him as chief sat beside me, helping me up slowly from where I was laid on my side to throw up.

"Lady Juniper, how do you feel?.." the chief asked quietly. I shook my head and felt too scared to speak again after that.

"Do you have a headache?.." Shirayuki asked quietly. I nodded.

"What about a stomachache? Are you hot?" Ryuu asked next. It took me a second to comprehend what he asked but I nodded when I did.

"All of the above, huh?.." the chief sighed. I nodded.

"You have to eat before I give you any medicine.." Shirayuki mumbled cautiously.

"Ill find her some soup!.." Obi whispered before jumping out the window. Did he really do that?.. I guess it's only the first story.. Right? I can't tell..

"We didn't know if you'd make it through the night.." chief told me softly and let me relax against her side.

"You're still too weak for us not to monitor you. If you manage through this week, you should make a full recovery" Ryuu told me bluntly which didn't help but I got it. I nodded to that and kept my eyes shut.

"Zen asked to be notified when you woke up, I-I'll go tell him!-.." Shirayuki said quietly and hurriedly, before I started coughing again and throwing up a bit more blood. My throat burns so bad.

As the minutes passed, slowly I began to hear voices gather outside behind the door. It made me panic which led me to throwing up again, it was really nothing more than spit up like a baby... I was so weak though, I couldn't sit up anymore so chief laid me on my side again.

"I-Im back!" Obi shouted, coming in the room after a while of us waiting, which hurt my head again. I scrunched my eyes once more and Obi got hushed.

"I need you to eat something even if you throw it up again, okay?.." Chief asked softly as she held a cup with a straw in it to my lips. I tried to take short sips but it was so difficult to not cough it up. I forced it down despite the constant coughing. I couldn't drink much but I did have some which was an accomplishment on its own. I should be dead..

Outside this room, the loud whispering quieted then stopped and after a moment there was one voice calling out to those of us in this room.

"I'm coming in." He said as the door finally opened. I didn't get to see who it was but I knew.. "Juniper.." He muttered my name. He hasn't said it much but when he does, it makes me believe that name really is pretty like mom always said.. I never believed it so, but he makes me understand why my mother chose it.

I managed to see him after a moment. He had to kneel down in front of me but I saw him.
I mouthed and showed him my best smile. There's that white haired man again, with his sword at his hip as always.. And a horribly pained expression I haven't seen before.

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