pt 4. Watching From A Distance

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The next day everyone left for home and I began my etiquette training.. It was horrible. Four hours of that plus another four hours of sword training and general knowledge. It was more than physically demanding, but I pulled through and didn't complain. Although four hours of sword training was purely awful, I don't know how I survived. Four hours of that should be illegal..

"Ugh!.." I groaned and let myself lay down on the cement. My teacher was gone finally and I was totally alone. "I made it at least.." I sighed and shut my eyes while I tried to breathe. Four whole hours!.. Ugh.. Of course it wasn't me practicing fighting for more than an hour or two but it was still exhausting.

"Long day?" A voice called from a while away. I hurried to sit up but I hurt my spine and these stitches.

"Ach!-.." I hummed in pain after seeing the blonde, almost white, haired man. He's back again?.. "I'm fine.." I sighed and let myself lay back again. I doubt he'll tell anyone I let myself lay down like this.

"You sound in agony" he chuckled as he came to stop in front of where I laid.

"My back hurts and these stitches are itchy.." I grumbled as I forced myself to sit up. He held his hand out to me.. I took it and smiled knowing he'd help me up.

"How long have you had them for?" He asked curiously as I set my wooden sword in the rack.

"About a week and a half or so. I was told it'd take about three weeks to heal.." I sighed.

"And you're doing all this with fresh stitches? Where are they?" He asked and looked shocked.

"It's not too bad, they're across my back.." I answered and looked down as I pulled out the ribbon from my hair, letting it fall. "Wearing high heels is the worst part of it all, if you'd believe that" I said with a little giggle.

"Not made for the noble life, huh?" He chuckled as I stayed and stood around.

"This?" I asked with a raised eyebrow and looked down at my little body, "I fight better than I can walk in heels and I'm not even good at that!" I exclaimed, which made him laugh. "I wish I was as elegant and pretty as a normal noble though, that'd be nice.." I sighed as I thought about all the fairytale princesses, "All I have is the clothes and they're not even mine.." I mumbled, looking down in defeat.

"I wouldn't be so down about appearances" he chuckled and showed me a kind smile as he stood nearby with crossed arms.

"Easy for you to say, you don't have to marry royalty.. I already know he dreads this and I don't blame him" I sighed as I kicked a pebble.

"Don't you too though?" He asked in wonder.

"Yes but at least he's a prince!.. I'm just some commoner from way out in the middle of nowhere!.. What do I have to offer?.." I asked and didn't expect an answer. I doubt anything would make this better. I know we'll save each other's lives by marrying but still..

"Well.. I'm sure he'll appreciate your humility and the fact that you're trying to learn how to use a sword and walk in heels" he told me with a quick chuckle as he leaned on his sword in front of me. He's pretty relaxed around me, I'm glad at least he doesn't mind me. Maybe other people won't either then.

"Yeah because that'll fix a life time of torture with me.. I feel bad he has to marry me.." I admitted as I took a piece of my hair to play with for a moment, "I know I'm trying but that doesn't exactly make it better.. Even though there's advantages to the marriage, isn't a true marriage built from love?.." I asked quietly. I wish I could find love somehow..
My eyes looked back over to his and when they met, I got nervous. "I-Im sorry, that was way more than I needed to share!.." I said nervously as I turned towards my water bottle on the floor and picked it up, "I should head inside and-" I was ranting.

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