pt3. Secret Meetings

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---Chapter 2--
"Get out so I can take my bath, Obi" I rolled my eyes and gave a short giggle.

"As you wish, my lady" he hummed teasingly with a bow before leaving me. I sighed as I grew more lonesome. I'm all alone with these thoughts again..

Still, that conversation with Obi helped more than I knew and with this bath, I was able to relax.

---Chapter 3---
After that bath, dad asked me to go on a walk with him. We still didn't know our way around the castle so we went to the herb garden nearby and sat on the bench to talk.

"So you agreed?.. Seriously, I can't stand you getting married like this!.." Dad grumbled and pouted. Meanwhile I just tried to hold it together.

"Obi said he's a good man.. And besides, if we manage to catch those guys before the wedding, prince Izana will call it off" I explained to him but it didn't help.

"As long as you stand up to him. He's a good kid alright but don't let him push you around or do anything weird." Dad commanded sternly with tightly crossed arms and raised chin.

"I know, dad.." I let out a soft giggle as I lowered my head, "I doubt we'll ever even talk.. Obi said he wouldn't like this marriage either so I'm sure we'll be fine"  I explained but doubted myself.

"Y'know June, you can still turn it down.. Even if it means prince Izana takes back the being a noble thing, I'd rather you be happy.. I don't like that you're in danger being here.." he told me as he put his hand on my shoulder and gently moved my hair over it.

"I know, dad.. If I can save his life though and be protected here as well, why shouldn't I do this?.. You know I'm not the type of person to sit by and watch" I told him with a shallow sigh and let a smile show.

"I know.. You're a good girl, June. Your mother and sister would be proud," dad told me with a smile as he set his hand on my cheek.

"Thanks.." I smiled and took his hand in mine. "Maybe being a princess won't be so bad. I've already met some good people here," I explained happily.. before Obi cut me off.

"Juniper!" He screamed and came running. He looked panicked. Dad and I stood up looking around for the fight but-.. that wasn't the case. "He knows! Prince Izana told him!" Obi shouted which confused me.

"What?.." I asked with annoyance.

"H-He told the master!.." Obi whisper shouted to me in a panic.

"And his reaction was that bad? He should be grateful I'm even allowing him to-" dad began shouting. I quietly sighed listening to dad and Obi freak out.

"Im going back inside.. You two should stop yelling too, you'll make the whole castle panic.." I said as I let my head lower a bit while I walked off.

"Wait, but he-!" Obi began but dad stopped him and they let me go. I didn't actually walk back inside, I just wanted to lose myself in the castle grounds.

I walked the sidewalks, taking in everything I could.. it's about time for rain it seems.. though I love the rain. I love the storms because after they go, the sun shines in a different way. A way that brings me joy and hope. It teaches me to enjoy the days I have.
As it began to sprinkle, I let myself find some shade across the way. There was a bench with a beautiful shade overhead thanks to a tree tall above. I let myself sit and watch the rain slowly pour down. Even though the day is nearly ending, i'm still not tired. I've slept too long already to be worn. I had too much on my mind to sleep anyway.

What was the prince like? Is prince Zen truly a good man? I've never paid attention to politics or my royals other than when my home is in trouble so.. I wonder how he feels knowing he has to marry a strange woman from the countryside. Would he be embarrassed of me? Could I hold my own in a royal court? Could I hold my own in battle? Can I really save him?..

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