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" Father, where are we going ?"

" You will see when we get there ."

" Really! We are in the middle of the ocean

" Daddy I'm bored. I want someone to kill! And there is nobody or nothing to kill."

" Silence! All of you three. I am trying to concentrate on where we are going!"

in the distance there was an island. It seemed to be very fertile and looked beautiful.

" wow"

" Is this the where we are going to ? Why are we going to an island ?!"

Father turned to his three kids and said,

" Listen, all of you, we just aren't like people in this world. We are unique."

" So we left the country to an island because we are unique?"

" No, just listen people don't like us. They think we are crazy and i don't blame them. Our craziness drove us to do terrible things"

" Like kill people, rob banks, plant bombs at schools and crash planes into each other ?"

" Yes, stuff like that. It may sound terrible but sometimes, being crazy is a good thng. I's part of who we are and it will never leave us."

Father and his kids arrived at the island. They jumped onto land.

" This is where we will live for the rest of our lives."

" Why at all in the year 1056 will we live here."

" Like I said before people don't like us. They Don't like us. They know we are crazy and they want to hurt us. I want to keep you three safe from them. Remember what happened to your mother."

Father and the three kids fell silent.

" But Father, we are the only ones here. Who will we live with besides us?"

" Listen i found out we are not the only crazy people on planet earth. There are people like us. And i must find them all and bring them here so that no one will harm them."

" So it will be like a country, a new country." 

"Yes, a new country, A secret one. It won't be easy. This will go on for generations."

" Father, if it won't be easy why don't we start now?"

" Yes, but you three aren't coming with m, it will be too risky. I will go myself. I will come with everyone on a big ship and sail back to this island. You three should go to sleep, by morning, I will be here with everyone."

 Father pushes the boat back on the shore not looking back.    

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