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So Darryl woke up in the morning because he could barely breathe.

He stood up and went to the bathroom. He washed his face and looked in the mirror, not knowing why the hell he woke up like this. He didn't even knew if he had a nightmare or something. He didn't knew what he dreamed not long ago.

He than did his routine and head out to his car. He entered in and started to drive to work.

When he arrived he just went to his office and sat down at the desk. He didn't had much to do today, since he was usually working over his program. But not today.
He just wanted to wait until he was done with the work and go to Zack's cafe.

He wanted to be with Zack all the time now. This man was just making him feel like he never did. He felt happy with him. He was just hopping that HE was happy with him too.

Then he remembered.

Zack was about to kiss him.


But he didn't... Why?

Maybe he doesn't like Darryl that much? Or HE doesn't like him at all...
This was the real question... What if Zack wants something from him?

I mean, Darryl is kind rich...ok maybe a little more... But Zack doesn't look like the kind of guy who would only want that...

I mean, HE has HIS own business. A beautiful cafe, with the best lemonade recipe Darryl ever tried. Maybe just the fact that Zack made that lemonade made it 10 times better...

Anyway, this wasn't the point.

Darryl wanted to listen to some good music. He opened Spotify on his phone and than searched for his headphones. But they were no where to be found.

He than realized he forgot his headphones in Zack's cafe.

Yeyyy! Another reason for Darryl to go tonight in Zack's cafe.

Meanwhile, Zack was in his lunch break.

Well, actually he wasn't. But he's the boss so he has the break when he wants to.
In fact, he didn't wanted to eat at all. He wanted to see Darryl.

So he walked out, of course not before being sure there are workers to take his place.

He started running because for some reason he was too excited.

When he entered he realized he is on a different side of the building. He walked in and after some minutes, he realized he is kinda lost in the huge building.

He saw some stairs he hadn't seen before.

So now he had options:
a) Call a friend

b) Just go on the stairs and risk to get even more lost in the building.

What do u think Zack picked?
Of course! B!
Why? Because he is sometimes to conceited.

And as he was walking on the halls now, everything went dark. Yey! The power went out! That's what Zack need now!

He didn't knew what to do. Then he remembered he have a phone. He opened its 'torch' and keep walking.

After some time, he saw some doors. He knew this were the offices of people working here. Well, apparently his intuition wasn't that bad after all.

He keep walking and saw Nick's office. Darryl's office needs to be close.

He started to run, again. He stopped in front of a door.
'Darryl Novenschodch'.

To be honest, Zack didn't knew if this was HIS office or here somewhere was another Darryl.

"Novenschodch... " He said to himself.
"Wat a name. " He also said.

Well, he had nothing to lose, right?
He opened the door to see nothing. Then he held his phone up to see Darryl looking straight into his face, with a death glance.

"Uh... " Zack started.
"Zack? " Darryl softly asked.
"Yea. It's me" He said, as he smiled.
"Why u here, darling? " Darryl said, kinda embarrassed of what he just said.
"Well, I came here to give you this! "
Zack said as he put the headphones in Darryl's hand.

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