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He just woke up. He didn't wanted to, but he couldn't help it.
He looked at the clock. "7:15 P.M.", he said to himself while standing up.
He than went to eat something, do his morning routine and then get dressed.
As he was ready to leave his house he looked at the time again.
Then he realized.
It wasn't 7:15 but 8:15 (now 8:30)

Darryl was already late for work.

" Muffins... ", he said as he read the text on his phone, text which was saying " Where are you?". The text was from his friend, Nick, so he guessed that it wasn't a big deal.

"My clock didn't rang so I think I'm gonna be a little late. " he replied as he left his house.

And the cherry on top was his car, which decided to don't work today.
So he just started to walk.

It was clearly that this was one of his bad days that nothing and no one can save.

He decided to go to his favorite cafe and maybe buy some coffee or just stay there for a while.

As he entered in the cafe, he spotted a table that no one was sitting at so he went there.

After some minutes someone comes to take his order.

This guy... He seemed familiar. Didn't he?

It was him. Same dark hair. Same beautiful eyes. A little bored face and some steps who were guiding him straight to Darryl.
He had his beautiful tan skin and Darryl could bet that it was the same man he fell in love with not a long time ago. The man who made him feel more pretty than he knew he is. The man who had always been waiting for him. The man who was made for loving him. The man who isn't, wasn't and will never be his.

Was he gonna act like they didn't live a life in a year? Like they never made together a plan?

"Umm... Sir? Are you gonna order or not?" The boy with brown eyes said.
His diamond earring was shining bright and he had a badge that was saying something. A name. 'Zack Ahmed'. That's what it was saying.

"Sir?" Darryl said. "Am I that easy to forget?" He continued as he looked him straight in the eyes.

"Excuse me sir?" The other man said looking at Darryl.

The man who was wearing some formal glasses didn't said a thing. He just stood there and look at this man. Ahmed. Zack Ahmed. What a name... If he was being honest, he never heard this name. But he was still sure it was him. His voice. His tone. His face. His everything. This needed to be him. This was the man who broke his heart when he left not long ago. I mean... All the signs were there. The diamond earring, how he looked, the voice he had... Maybe he is just crazy and his best friend never existed right? When Skeppy left his life was ruined. Skeppy... It's been a while and still Skeppy. Something must happened to him. And Darryl was about to find out what.

"Uhhh..." Darryl said, not knowing exactly what to say.

"So are you ordering sir? Time is money! And I need to do my job or else I won't get paid at all. " Zack said.

"Actually no... I've changed my mind" And that's what the boy from the table said.

''K?...'' He said as he walked to the other table, to take some orders.

Darryl just sat there, actually staring at Zack. The other boy, the one with dark messy hair and chocolate eyes, just looked at him and rolled his eyes.

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