Chapter Three: The exams and teams

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Years passed by slower but naruto had changed his personality was almost an exact copy of urashiki with his God complex to the way he toys with anyone he fights which got frequent with the assassins that damn stone village kept sending not like he'd allow them to come back with a warning, he didn't exactly use karma though he saw no need in using it as everyone was inferior to him after all he'd be learning how to use urashiki's powers for four years and that was all he needed he didn't need the extra chakra boost or dōjutsu but he knew urashiki was looking forward to the exam he would finally get to teach that menma a lesson.

Naruto's appearance had changed too he had dark circles around his eyes showing iron release but that's all that seemed to show he managed to take some pills before the rest of his appearance changed to that of urashiki he also wore black with a white scarf his elder sister knitted him for luck on his future missions after all she was the only one that seemed to care out of that family but not like the scarf was gonna stay white or maybe it would if he was in a good mood that day.

Naruto stood by the academy gates he had never gone in only to be tested the learning jutsu's from jiraiya and taijutsu from some urashiki and some guy called guy he didn't really learn much from guy though he was always toying with guy but he was...

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Naruto stood by the academy gates he had never gone in only to be tested the learning jutsu's from jiraiya and taijutsu from some urashiki and some guy called guy he didn't really learn much from guy though he was always toying with guy but he was too stupid to ever understand that and Naruto knew that he was superior to this entire village and it was the strongest village he could probably take on the entire world but there'd be no fun in that it is fun watching them fail over and over again that was the best part about being a Ōtsutsuki he enjoyed it dearly.

Naruto walked through the academy reaching a door with the number seven on it and knocked and iruka answered it and allowed him in "class this is Naruto he will be taking the exam with you, we know it's unorthodox of us to allow it but he's the right age your upperclassmen's menma and mito's little brother this boy is they never spoke of you though almost as if you never existed" iruka says and Naruto was sat down at the back by the window "wow this kid is strange" iruka mutters and continues "well anyways a new rule has been instated, the education part of the genin exams have been dropped and the physicals have been brought up by the hokage you are required to spar with one of your peers and if you do terribly your put back a year you have three chances so three spars, no lethal force any jutsu can be used as long as it's not lethal" iruka says "hai" the class shouts except for Naruto who was listening to urashiki talking about his well their clan

"so we go from planet to planet eating this God trees that are created from thousands of years of death and war and they sprout a fruit that grants the one who eats it amazing power" urashiki explains and Naruto yawns not really caring about the details "your talking about that tree in the unknown region, no one comes back alive the story is that tree digests the essence of any who get too close" Naruto says and urashiki smirks "no no that's if your weak and don't hold our bloodline, those jinchuriki can go near them, in fact they are what results from the chakra of a Ōtsutsuki eating the fruit and being split into nine pieces, I don't know the full details but that is the chakra of a Ōtsutsuki" urashiki says and the class get up from there seats and Naruto follows them out the room while urashiki continues to talk about the bijuu.

"So anyways this God tree is a Juubi you can either plant it or sacrifice a Ōtsutsuki that's what most do and why karma was made" Urashiki says and Naruto yawns again and so does a Nara not far from him and urashiki sighs "I guess your tired let's just make you a genin and go I don't get why you wanna be one" urashiki says and Naruto shrugs "elder sister asked me to" Naruto says and Urashiki sighs then looks to see iruka calling out names "Naruto Namikaze vs Kiba Inazuka" iruka calls out and Naruto goes to the field and and kiba goes too with a smirk.

"Watch this hinata-chan" kiba says and Naruto smirks exactly like urashiki does "I know that smile" Jiraiya says from a tree and hops down and sits down to watch the fight "perhaps this is your chance to show off our abilities" urashiki says and Naruto smirks "you read my mind" Naruto says and Iruka signals them to begin and kiba dashes at Naruto who hops to the dodging kiba's attack in a blur "how slow are these lot" Naruto mutters and urashiki smirks "show them what you can really do" urashiki says and Naruto's feet lift from the air and he doesn't go any higher or lower and jiraiya's eyes widen and Naruto opens his eyes as one glows as a Jōgan which if the right eye and Naruto dashes at kiba picking him up by the throat and tosses him back to his side "come on show me why your bloodline is a clan and not just a bunch of furries" Naruto says getting in kiba's head who dashes at him with a kunai going to slash his throat for Naruto to grab his wrist moving it squeezing and he releases his kunai and Naruto kicks him in the chest sending him flying back into the academy wall cracking the wall "what the hell" kiba mutters and coughs up blood and Naruto smirks "now that was no fun" he mutters and lands on the ground "well that was eventful" iruka says and jiraiya was staring at the crack in the wall "he held back I saw it, he's holding back and I've never seen him train with minato or anyone except me and Tsunade yet he knows how to fly and on shotted that kid" jiraiya mutters analysing everything he just saw.

"Okay Sasuke Uchiha vs Choji akamichi" iruka says

Sasuke was frozen as he watched Naruto walk away and he sat down "how the hell, what is that guy I thought his brother and sister held the nine tails, did they take the title to protect him, no that was something else the strength, the speed and he was flying who taught him that" Sasuke mutters then goes to his spot and iruka signals them.

Sasuke dashes at choji who uses three hand signs as he closes in and opens his palm and it grows and choji pushes him away. "Oh expansion jutsu I just need him to over use all his over reserves strength and he can't block me" Sasuke mutters and hops up into the air and throws shuriken and choji hood backwards as his hand returns to normal and he dashes at Sasuke punching him for Sasuke to catch it.

While they are right naruto sits down by himself and sighs "what was that dōjutsu" jiraiya mutters and remembers something the toad once said "so yellow hair and blue eyes maybe the blue eyes are that dōjutsu he had, but what does it do I think he just activated it for show that was the strength of Tsunade, does it help with chakra control, maybe like the byakugan" jiraiya mutters writing in his notes.

Naruto watched the clouds then saw someone stood over him "thanks for the shade" Naruto says and continues watching the clouds "oi my name is Sakura Haruno" a pink haired girl says and Naruto continues watch the clouds drift by "good for you what do you want a medal" Naruto says and she gains a tick mark on her head "oi Namikaze acknowledge me" she says and Naruto sighs and gets up "piss off I don't care about you or your goals nor for whatever you wanna ask me so leave" Naruto says and walks passed her.

Naruto sighs sitting under a tree and watches the sky as the clouds continue to drift "perhaps I should make a example of my next opponent's" Naruto mutters with a smirk and a scroll lands on his leg and Naruto picks up and a headband pops out of it "congratulations Namikaze, return bright and early your team will be sorted with the others I hope you enjoy missions that take you far from home because that's all you'll get" mizuki says and Naruto puts the head band in his pocket and leaves.

The next day

Naruto is sat in the back of the class back in his spot with his head band hanging out his pocket. Iruka walks in "okay genins here's your shinobi teams we'll start with team seven, Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno and Naruto Namikaze, your sensei will be Kakashi hatake" Iruka says while
Naruto yawns and and falls asleep.

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