is it over yet?

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Clementine and Violet were on their way to the school to take over shifts.

"You alright?" Violet asked.

"Yeah, just stitches are really uncomfortable." Clementine muttered.

"Yeah they are." Violet chuckled.

Soon they reached the school and were greeted by Louis and Willy.

"Was starting to think you were never gonna show!" Louis shouted from the watch tower.

"We have arrived your majesty." Violet said sarcastically.

Willy opened the gate and let them all in.

"This is where you all live?" Clementine asked while taking in her surroundings.

"Yeah, we all went here as kids and then everything went to shit. Been here since." Violet said.

"Cool." Clementine mumbled.

"Ill give you a tour when all of this is over." Violet smiled. "Any movement Lou?"

"None, few walkers. Thats about as exciting as it gets." He said while climbing down off of the watch tower.

He pulled out his bow from behind his back and held it out for Clementine.

"You got good aim?" He asked.

"Good enough." She smiled while taking the bow.

"Arrows are over there." He said while pointing to the couch.

Clementine grabbed the arrows while Louis and Willy went on there way.

"So what this was like a boarding school?" Clementine asked.

"Yeah." Violet nodded. She cleared her voice and raised her hand. "Welcome to Ericsons boarding school for troubled youth."

"Troubled huh?" Clementine asked.

"We were all sent here for a reason." Violet chuckled.

"Sure i'll fit right in to the troubled school." Clementine chuckled.

"C'mon, up to the bell tower. We can see everything from up there." Violet smiled.

After walking up rusted stairs and climbing walls they reached the top of the bell tower.

"Wow." Clementine mumbled.

"Nice view huh?" Violet said.

"Very nice, didn't think there was many nice views left after the world went to shit." Clementine chuckled.

"It's nice this shitshow can still surprise you." Violet chuckled.

"So you were all here when everything went to shit?" Clementine asked.

"Yeah, there were more of us but you know how things go. All of the adults ran off and left us to fend for ourselves, so it's just us kids now." Violet nodded. "What about you? Where were you?"

"My treehouse." Clementine chuckled. "My parents were in savannah on holidays when everything went down. My babysitter went rogue and left."

"And you survived by yourself?" Violet asked, surprised.

"No, this man found me, Lee, he took care of me. We found more survivors and we all went to savannah, they wanted to find a boat but i just wanted to find my parents. But as you said, you know how things go." Clementine sighed.

"Im sorry Clem." Violet frowned.

"Its okay." Clementine smiled.

"What about you, you ever find out what happened to your parents?" Clementine asked.

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