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They entered the school and sat down beside the group. Everyone was there, including Aj.

"Clem, look! Im getting better!" Aj said proudly while holding his drawing out to Clem.

"You are kiddo." She smiled.

He returned back to drawing with Tenn a few metres from the group.

"Didn't think you were ever gonna come back." Marlom said to Clementine.

"Been busy." Clementine chuckled.

"See all three of you have, anything you'd like to share?" Louis said while leaning foward.

"Um.. im good, how about you two?" Clementine said sarcastically to Violet and Brody.

"I think im good too, Brody?" Violet smiled.

"Im good." Brody smiled aswell.

"Ha ha very funny." Louis said.

"Hilarious." Clementine chuckled.

"So everyone excited to be heading back to the school?" Ruby asked.

"Can't wait. I haven't played piano in weeks!" Louis exaggerated.

"About that.. we kinda needed firewood." Violet mumbled.

Louis's face immediately dropped and he looked as if he was going to cry. Clementine caught on to what Violet was doing and played along

"You chopped up the piano..?" Louis asked.

"Sorry Lou." Clementine mumbled while putting her head down, trying not to let the others know she was smiling.

Violet tried to put together another sentence but couldn't. Her and Clementine immediately burst out laughing.

"You should have seen your face!" Violet laughed.

Everyone caught on to the joke and started to laugh too at how winded up Louis got over it.

"Sorry Lou." Clementine laughed, not sounding one bit sorry.

"You're a cunt for that Vi, but it was so funny!" Marlon laughed, struggling to catch a breath.

"Not cool!" Louis frowned.

"Will you relax, your pianos safe and sound. For now." Violet chuckled.

"I hate you all." Louis announced while looking around at everyone.

Thye sat talking for another while, mainly about Violets cruel joke until some people started to leave, doing jobs or helping out around Richmond. The sun was setting so they wouldn't stay out for too long. Clementine and Violet were supposed to be doing jobs but they left for the school rooftop instead.

"Don't think ive ever laughed that hard in my life." Clementine smiled. "We're so mean for that."

"Oh c'mon he had it coming, he set me up perfectly for it." Violet defended herself while holding the rooftop door open for Clementine.

"Okay, fair enough." Clementine chuckled.

They sat on the ledge, watching the sunset and listening to the distant chatter of Richmonds people.

"Are we gonna tell the group about the other base?" Violet asked quietly.

"Probably. Javis starting to lose his shit so we're gonna need help." Clementine nodded.

"He just doesn't want you killed. I don't either." Violet frowned.

"But whats better, moving the whole of Richmond and causing them so much hard work or losing one person?" Clementine asked.

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