Chapter 3 - Lost & Found

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The approaching noise of footsteps marching against the marble floors Qlipoth Fort's hallways immediately caught the attention of Bronya as her head sprang up from her paper covered desk. She eyes the entrance to her grand office with anticipation as she awaited the entrance of her visitors. Only but a moment later were the humungous doors pushed open by her guards to be met with a group of familiar faces beaming at her excitedly and a taller man standing behind him. She instantly viewed him as a dad-like figure but didn't want to stereotype.

"Bronya!" Caelus cheered as his eyes lit up with glee, running over to her as she stood up from her chair with a warm smile and made her way towards the group.

"Caelus! Everyone! Welcome back! It feels like an eternity has passed since we last saw each other in person." She greeted in awe as she took turns to hug each one of them before stopping at Welt with a curious gaze. "... And who might you be, Sir?" She asked politely as she extended her hand towards him. He took it swiftly in his own and shook it.

"Call me Welt. Let's just say I'm some sort of intergalactic caretaker." He replied proudly with a chuckle, earning a giggle from March 7th and a cracked smile from Dan Heng. He spotted it instantly, sending a chill down his spine. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Bronya. I trust you are doing a fantastic job as Supreme Guardian." He commended with confidence.

"You flatter me, Welt. It surely is a taxing role to uphold, though I try my very best to please my people." She explained truthfully with a gentle smile, earning an understanding nod from the tall man gazing down at her.

"Well, if there's anything you need help with, we're always only a few warp jumps away!" March assured cheerfully, patting Bronya's shoulder. Caelus chuckled and nodded in agreement.

"That is very kind of you. I am so lucky to have met you all." She replied wholeheartedly with her smile widening.

"Speaking of help..." Caelus mentioned with a nervous chuckle. Bronya nodded and ushered him to continue. "-We bumped into Serval on our way the the fort and she said that Gepard hasn't been around much lately... Do you have any idea of his whereabouts or what he's up to with his duties at the moment?" He questioned with concern assuming that the Supreme Guardian would know of her Guards' positions.

" I see, Serval must be worried sick." She frowned guiltily as Caelus nodded in response, biting the inside of his cheek. "Gepard actually came to me a matter of weeks ago requesting that he'd be stationed in the 'Underworld' more often- something about his desire to help people get back on their feet and to protect the most vulnerable people of Belobog. Quite valiant, wouldn't you say?" She explained earning a collection of understanding hums in response.

"Aww, Gepard surely is a sweetheart." March cooed as she pictured him aiding those in need. Bronya nodded courteously in response.

"Since we are united as one nation, I hate to use the term 'Underworld', though I'm merely repeating Gepard's request." She explained with guilt in her heart at the outdated term.

"You needn't worry, Lady Bronya. We can go search for him if you wish? Make sure he's doing alright to soothe Serval's troubled mind." Welt suggested with a confident smile as he instinctively wrapped his arm around Dan Heng's shoulders who was standing a bit too close to his side. He almost choked on his saliva in response, ears pricked with heat from embarrassment.

"If you would be so kind, please do report back if you need any assistance." She requested sincerely. "-But most importantly, enjoy your stay in Belobog. You are always welcome here." She assured with a warm smile and her eyes shut.

"Thank you, Bronya! Don't worry, we'll find Gepard and when we return, we can all have a blast!" March confirmed cheerfully with enthusiasm earning fond chuckles from Bronya and Caelus.

Express Mail | Gepard x Sampo / Welt x Dan Heng / Jing Yuan x Blade | FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now