New friends??

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Jisung POV

"Seungmin!" I yell getting my friend's attention, and all the other boy's attention as well. He turned to me, and as I walked closer with felix I saw that seungmin was sitting on a lap that belonged to a really buff guy, and that guy had his arms around him.

As I'm standing in front of seungmin I'm thinking whether I should start the conversation or is he going to do it himself. My thoughts were answered when he started to speak. "Sung, I see you've re-united with Felix." Seungmin said with a smug look, which confused me. "What do you mean 're-unite'?? Have I met him before??" I ask genuinely confused.

Seungmin POV
I was going to tell Jisung about their past together, that was until I saw Felix shaking his head furiously. "n-NOo nope nada never, never in your life." I said smiling nervously. "Real Smooth." Said my boyfriend who a I hit for bitching at me. "Who is he?" Jisung asked referring to my boyfriend who's lap I was sitting on. "This is my boyfriend, Changbin." I said proudly as Jisung nodded and Changbin did a little wave. "So this is the boy you said makes you feel so h" Jisung was cut off with me yelling. "AHHH! Enough of that he said nothing." I say turning red. "Man.. I wanted to hear." Binnie said pouting. "So are you going to introduce us or...?" One of my friends, chan, asked.

Seungmin ended up introducing me to all his friends and then when all made plans to meet up after school. Turns out me, Felix and chan have algebra together.

"Yo Felix, come yer bro!!" Chan yelled when he figured out how to use the expressions properly. Felix had walked over to chan to see if his answers made sense, of course the entire time I was staring at him. I can't help but think I forgot something that made him upset earlier. The teacher was impressed that we could work that fast and still get the answers right so she decided to give us a little free time, which I used happily to talk to Felix. "Hey, Felix can we talk for a little bit?" I ask a lot a bit nervous. "Yeah sure." He said as I led him outside the classroom and a little far from the door.

"Did I do something wrong?!" I blurted out feeling a lot of things, i mean, I just met this person and I already made a bad impression on HIM, ARE YOU SERIOUS?!

"Wait- huh??" Felix said in full confusion. " you sounded upset when I couldn't remember something so I thought I upset you..." I said getting quieter the more I talk. "Oh- I'm sorry if that's what I made it seem like." Felix said rushingly, putting my hands in his.

His hands are warm

"So we are ok?" I ask wanting a more direct answer. "Yeah"Felix replied. Even though he says that I just can't shake the feeling.

At the end of the day I ended up going to Seungmin's house and we changed our clothes to get to go to the meet up spot. I didn't have any clothes at his house so he let me borrow his. I chose the long white skirt with a light green hoodie and some converse and jewelry. As soon as I walk out the bathroom, seungmin starts to shower me with compliments. "Oh. My. Gosh. SUNG YOU LOOK SO CUTEEE!!" Seungmin yells at me. "You look amazing too, as always." I said. Seungmin always had the best fashion sense, so it make sense why I would look good in his clothes.

We made sure that we have everything before heading out again to see my newly made friends. Seungmin drove me in his car, and soon we made  it to a very famous store. This store was so famous because it was like a boba store+pastries store+plushie store, and you got to sit and eat or take photos where ever you want. When seungmin parked the car we got out and walked in the store to look for our friends. crazy things is were the first to get here, so seungmin ended texting everyone else to hurry up. While me and seungmin were waiting we decided to get the table ready, and after we did that we just sat talked and waited.

After us then came Changbin and Felix. "Hey guys." A voice said from behind me. "Binniee!" Seungmin squealed a little before getting up to go hug him as I turn around to see Changbin and Felix just standing there. Changbin was in a gray sweatshirt and jeans with a black cap on his head, and Felix was wearing jeans, jewelry, and a black oversized shirt with white English letters on it. I had completely forgot that Felix said was Australian, and Chan is as-well. Both Felix and Changbin sat down, Changbin next to seungmin and Felix next to me. "Hey." Felix said with a smile and I replied with a small 'hi'. "You look good in your outfit." Felix said which made me blush like crazy. "Oh, thank you. You look really hot- GOOD as well." I said facepalming and crying I n my head. Felix smirked with a little blush forming on his cheek. Felix has me feeling something. He is so cute but is hot at the same time. What am I even saying this is a guy I met today, whyyyyyyy does life gotta be like thisss.

Soon later, chan, jeongin, hyunjin, and Minho joined us. We all talked a lot and I had fun, but sadly I had to leave. Seungmin dropped me off at my house, and as I walk in I say, "Mom!! I'm home." I lay my stuff near the couch in my living room and then I head up stairs to change. Seungmin had told me it was ok for me to take the outfit because I look better in it anyways. I go back down stairs to make some food and this time I see my mom. "Hey mom, how was your day?" I ask. "My day was fine, how was yours?? Did you make any new friends??" She replied. "Yeah, I made new friends and my day was great. I met these guys, who are friends of seungmin, their names are Chan, Minho, Changbin, Hyunjin, Felix, and Jeongin." I said happily. I was really happy that a was able to make any friends at this new school. "Wait- Felix?? As in Lee Felix??" My mom asked. how does she know his name? "Yeah, do you know him??" I asked in a confused and slightly concerned voice.


"What are you talking about Jisung?? Lee Felix was one of our neighbor's kid, and he was your childhood best friend."

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