"Strange Proposal"

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3:00 pm, my phone alarm began to sound with a thunderous echo resonating inside my head, it's been a long time since I had slept outside my normal hours, which is being shortened every night, lately I've had several nightmares that completely take away my sleep.
I picked up the cell phone and observed that the alarm was to remind me of Hunter's medicine, my noble labrador retriever. Yesterday Hunter decided to give a big taste of the paint I've been touching up the new apartment that Dann and I decided to purchase a couple of months ago.

Dann is a very loyal boyfriend, one that surely every girl would like to have.
He proposed to me last Friday, and it was like something out of a romantic movie. He's always been like that, charming and romantic.

I've come to think that Dann is too much for me, honestly the night of the proposal made me want to reject all our plans together and just run out of there, but I do not understand why doubt that our marriage will not work, not even for what to think about that I don't want all this, or him, I love him, he's perfect and he's everything I've ever wanted, a faithful boy, who loves me despite everything and who I am: insecure and fearful with everything let it cross me. But inside me I know that there is something that makes me mistrust our relationship, something is wrong, and I feel it, but thinking about it gives me chills.
I guess feeling things like that is part of marriage, right? It's probably nerves.

After giving Hunter his medicine, I looked at my cell phone again and noticed a couple of new messages that Dann sent me a few minutes ago, he invited me to dinner to talk about our wedding celebration.
Even though I was tired as hell, I confirmed it and began to get ready for our departure.

Upon arriving at the place, I realized that it was the same bar where we met the first time, about three years ago, I was going through a rough patch after my parents found out about my giving up my law degree to resume my studies in the arts and become the photographer I always wanted to be, I had to take some time away from home. I decided to walk aimlessly through the cold streets of Colorado and I ended up in that bar not knowing where to go, luckily there I met Dann and he helped me all that time, then we became dating, and When I arrived with the news that I finally had a man in my life, my parents were so happy because of him, just a lovely and rich man, and then accepted me back into the family, along with Dann. The rest has been like a cute romantic story.

When I arrived I saw that Dann was already sitting at the same table from years ago, I went towards him and when he saw me he smiled as always does when he sees me, sometimes it stresses me out that he's always so smiling. We greeted each other and talked while we ordered something to eat, when we finished we started talking about the wedding, he wants to do one of those weddings that people with money proudly show off on their social net to their many followers, but I guess it's fun . It seemed that everything had already been planned.
He paused and looked at me enthusiastically.

-I want us to celebrate our wedding on the Anderson family vacation.

He told me without taking his eyes off me, I didn't know what he was talking about, so I looked at him with a confused expression.

-Every year my parents organize a trip with all the family members in one of our mansions in Montreal, I hadn't gone yet and I hadn't taken you because I wanted to wait to go together to give them the great news, also, if we're getting married you will have to meet them, they are very friendly and they will surely receive you wonderfully.

-Montreal? All these years and you never told me that your family was still living in Canada, don't you think it's a bit far?.

I answered a little confused when I heard about his sudden desire to take me with him to meet his family.

-Hahah, it's not as far as you think bae, believe me, it will be an incredible adventure, we will have a great time and I can show you a lil' about Canada, plus, they will be very happy to meet you Liv.

He answered with that same smile.

He never mentioned those trips or meeting the Andersons, his family, although I am very curious to know about them, and also about his past. We always talk about me when we go out, but when it comes to him, he mentions minor things and then ducks the subject, so I guess we should go and have the wedding there. Also, it would be nice to breathe the air of a new country, it will help me to take new photos for my gallery, I've heard that Canada is a very beautiful country.

I finally nodded, still a little confused and not really knowing what our little adventure in Montreal will be like.

-Great! We'll leave tomorrow at noon, I'll ask the captain to take us on his best plane, while in the morning you can check who will take care of Hunter during the week and leave your bags ready, we'll have an incredible time, you'll see.

Dann excitedly took my hand leaving me a kiss, then he called the waiter and ordered a couple more drinks.

The rest of the night I kept thinking about meeting the Andersons, what will they be like when I finally meet them? Will they be as nice as Dann? Or will they be one of those rich people who care more about their status than their own family? Thinking about it, I started to create various negative scenarios, considering that I am a girl who can barely support herself and who still dreams of being a great artist. I'm sure I don't fit with their idea of me. But Dann told me that they will really like me, so I just have to wait and see which of my two questions will be the winner, I need to stop thinking about it and concentrate on sleeping, tomorrow will be a hectic day.

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