"The Family Dinner"

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I decided to wear a gothic style wine/black dress, elegant but not too formal. I've always dressed in darker tones, I like them better and they go with everything.

When Dann also finished getting ready, we went downstairs to go to the big garden that was behind the mansion, it still amazes me how big this place is.

Upon arrival I observed that they had adapted the garden for dinner with a garland of hanging lights that illuminated the space and some candles on the table. We saw that there were already people sitting in the places, Dann introduced me to them, it was his brother's family, John, his wife and his three children, a little girl, another boy who appears to be about 10 years old, and the oldest who must be 14. The other two people present were Lindsey and Alissa. I looked at her out of the corner of my eye, and saw that she had dressed in a beautiful leather outfit, I must admit that those kind of clothes looks amazing on her. But no matter how far away I wanted to be from her, in the end we ended up sitting in front of them, how lucky I am.

Alissa tried to connect her confused gaze with mine, still not knowing why I stopped talking to her like that out of the blue.
We continued in that way for the rest of the dinner.

Dann's parents arrived and he introduced me to them, they look very calm at least. After that, everyone took his place at the table and Dann's parents proudly chatted for a few minutes about a new residence they've acquired in Toronto.
The staff hired by the Andersons began to bring us fancy meat dishes with other implements to our places. We started to eat but I noticed that Alissa was just looking at her plate without eating a bite, when Lindsey noticed her, she turned and looked at her with a sarcastic smile, she began to whisper with an annoyed tone.

-What's wrong now? Aren't you going to eat, honey?

-Lindsey, are you serious?.

Alissa turned more annoyed than Lindsey.

-I've already told you, since we met, that I'm vegan!, I've mentioned it hundreds of times and you never seemed to care to pay attention to me.

Even though they tried to be discreet, we could hear the entire conversation.

I didn't knew the fact that Alissa is vegan, but I see that her girlfriend knows much less about her than I do, why would she forget something like that? I have a feeling that their relationship is not going as well as I imagined.

-Hey hey, what's going on there, is everything okay? Oh Alissa, pretty, you haven't tried your dish, is there something you didn't like?.

Now it was Dann's mother who noticed her silent fight.

-Oh no, sorry, It's not that Mrs. Anderson, apparently Lindsey forgot, again, the small but important fact that I'm vegan." Dann's sister looked away from her when a very upset Alissa turned to see her by what happened.

-Wow, you can't handle that young lady, sorry Alissa, I'll ask to bring some of the best salads, if you like a particular dish, don't hesitate to ask for it.

Dann's mother commented kindly, Alissa affirmed smiling back, I could tell how uncomfortable she felt.
The salads were brought out and I have to admit they looked very appetizing so I helped myself to some. Everything seemed calm until now the problem started with the family of Dann's older brother, John.

-Dad, I would also like to change my dish for salad, can I change it?.

John's second son turned around asking his father, who didn't look very happy with the question.

-Of course not, Alexander, please eat all of your meat.

-Listen to dad, because I don't want another homo-weirdo in the family.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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