"Accidental presentation"

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I slept just a few hours from having overthought everything that appeared in my mind the night before. My alarm clock rang leaving me with an enormous desire to catch up on lost sleep, last night I thought about all those things about the wedding, the engagement with Dann, and also about his family, who I will meet when I arrive in Montreal in a few hours.

hadn't woken up so early for a long time, I took advantage of the fact that I had a couple of extra hours and went out with Hunter for a run to refresh my mind.

When I returned, I began to pack and plan where I would leave Hunter these days, although I already had the perfect candidate for it.
Richard, my neighbor, is a kind guy who welcomed me very well when I moved into the apartment, he's always attentive to me and Hunter. When I have sessions booked, or the company commissions me to take pictures at an event, Richard is the first to offer to take care of Hunter. He had also asked me out on several occasions and then he buys me one or another detail despite the fact that I had already clarified him my relationship with Dann, he still believes that in a future I will break up with Dann so he can start up his seductive plan.
However, apart from his feelings for me, we are both good friends, and also Richard is a great friend of Hunter, I trust that he will help me to take care of him for a week.

There was half an hour left before Dann came for me to go to the airport, I already had my suitcase ready, I only had to say goodbye to Hunter and take him to Richard.
Upon arrival I knocked on his door and Rich came to open it immediately, he lit up his face with a bright and cute smile when he saw me. Seriously, I still don't understand why every guy I meet smiles at me like that.

-Good morning Liv, Hunter, please come in. Do you want a glass of water or something for lunch?

Going into his living room, Hunter was the first to pounce on the chair, while I put down the suitcase with Hunter's things and his small plates of food.

-Thanks Richard, I'm here quickly to leave Hunter, Dann will arrive in a few minutes and he doesn't like being late.

-Okay, okay, although I would've liked you to stay a while longer-. He flashed me a flirtatious smile. -Well, what's all this about? Why the sudden desire of your boyfriend to take you with his family to who knows where?

I sat next to him in the kitchen without knowing the answer either, I was wondering the same thing myself.

-Honestly, I don't know, why after so many years without Dann wanting to see them or talk about them, he wants to resume his family trips, anyway it will be something that will happen more often now that we're getting married-. As I talked about it, my little fear and insecurity returned when thinking about our future, about my future. It feels like everything has already been written and there's no going back.

Richard just watched me as my expression turned disappointed when I rambled deep into all my insecurities, so he decided to change the subject by asking about Hunter's medicine.
I need to learn how to control my expressions so I don't reflect that insecurity when I'm with the Andersons in Montreal, I wouldn't want them to suspect my feelings towards Dann, let alone him, he doesn't deserve it. Mostly I need to get all those negative thoughts out of my head, I'm just hurting myself, and I don't want to hurt Dann too. I just need some time to love our marriage properly.

We talked for a while Richard and I about Hunter until I got a text from Dann, he was already waiting outside in his luxurious car. I took my suitcase and said goodbye to Hunter, before leaving I also went up to Richard to say goodbye.

-Thank you very much for taking care of him, and thanks for the help you have given me unconditionally, I don't know what I would do without my great neighbor and friend. I hope this visit goes as planned and everything gets better as the days go by.

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