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A whole day had passed just that quick the boys we're making their way back to meet with Sylvester after yesterday's mix up. They drove in silence to the agreed upon location. Time seemed to be moving much more fast today.

The evening quickly was turning to night the three boys were now in the wear house continuing the trade that was supposed to go down yesterday. "Here" Eros said tossing the black book bag to Sylvester. He checked it for the second time this time satisfied with the contents. "Ahh this is it. You boys had me there for a second!" He let out a hardy laugh "here let me return the favor!" He said and two of his goons talked up with four suit cases, sat them on a table placed in between them and revealed the contents inside. Money, and lots of it. "That's 8 mil like we agreed on." Moomin picked up a stack of it flipping through the notes "Zil go on and count." Zilévo did as he was told about to grab a stack of the cash "I have a digital counter if you want to use it, more time efficient isn't it no?" Sylvester spoke up "nah I'd rather count give me 10 minutes we'll be outta here."

"It's imported from Malaysia." The man next to Sylvester looked up at Moomin confusion on his face "The guns. They're imported from Malaysia. Our boss is allied with the armory over there, we get first dibs on new products. Like the ones you're holding." He continued on with his previous sentence "pure golden tip on them and diamond trigger. Along with its hand crafted design, by all means this batch is the only ones in existence as of now, so if anything they are worth more than 8 mil, but consider it a gift in hope of a long lasting relationship between our two families." Moomin smiled at the last part. "And as for the coke we got a fresh batch of it from our allies in Mexico so, no charge yea." Sylvester smiled brightly at the boy "Haha yes yes! Consider our families aligned!" He went to shake Moomin hand and patted the boy on his back "8 million exactly." Zilévo closed the last suit case he picked two up and tossed them to Eros who caught them with ease.

Zilévo grabbed the other two and they began to walk out "Nice doing business with you." Moomin turned around and followed his companions out the door closing it behind them. Eros put the suit cases in the trunk of the car and went to the drivers side. "What time will Lynn be here to pick us up?" Eros asked as he started the car up "3am" responded Zilévo. They began their drive back to the hotel they were staying at it was 7Pm at the time so they had an abundance of time left to waste. "I don't know about you two but I'm going to bed my head hurt from that fucking money." Zilévo exclaimed from the passenger seat "I'm gonna chill at the bar downstairs, I need a drink." Moomin replied "whadda bout you Eros?" "Huh probably gonna do the same same as you I'm pretty tired actually." He looked at zilévo taking the key out of the car and getting out of it.

The trio walked into the hotel. Moomin went to the hotel lobby which led to a casino and bar Eros and Zilévo took the elevator to their floor Eros got off at 10 while Zilévo went up to 16 "see ya" they said to each other as the doors closed separating the two. Eros began to walk to his room. He stood at his door and slipped the key card in opening it and letting the door close behind him. The room was dark and quiet the only light being from the led in the fire alarm. "When did it get this dark?" Eros flopped back down on the bed and picked his tv remote up turning it on to some random channel, just to let sound play throughout the empty room. He stared into space with no thought in his mind. He took off his shoes and tossed his jacket to the chair next to the window and closed his eyes.


"Shit no!" Moomin tossed his cards on the table a smug smile on his face "you shouldn't of called the hand before knowing my cards." He shrugged his shoulders at the Italian man who wanted to play a game of cards with him saying 'it'd be an easy win'.

In fact this was his third time losing and each time he goes all in Moomin now had a total of 400k stacked up just from this careless idiot. "You cheater! He cheated! You see don't you?! look at him!" The Italian grabbed the dealer by his nice red vest and pulled him in as if he's the one taking his money. "Sir I'll have to ask you to let me go before I get security on you." More anger filled his face "Your on his side! You damn Russians, all the same!" He stomped away from the two and tossed his cards all over. "So I'm still getting my money right?" He asked stretching his limbs and grabbing his phone off the table "oh yes sir, he's been losing money all night he owes an estimated of 5mil. He's not getting out though those doors tonight without paying." The dealer dusted his vest off of any wrinkles.

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