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"Eros you fucking idiot!" *SLAP* Eros held his head to the side eyes down to the floor as his friend hit him for what seemed like the tenth time in one week. "How the fuck do you just do whatever the fuck you want!! You're so selfish did you not think for a second what the fuck would happen afterwards?! Huh??!"

The red haired boy went in to punch Eros in the mouth but his hand was caught by Zilévo. "Hey stop I think he's had enough." He spoke up for his friend, he was right his friend had a bloody nose and a bruised cheek due to the constant slapping. The boy had not fought back once he just took it.

"Let me go." He pulled his arm away from the taller male and walked away toward the door "listen Eros you need to figure it the fuck out, I can't keep looking past the shit you do because you're my friend. This ain't what we came here for, you need to either take responsibility for em or leave em here. I'm over it, don't ask me for shit man." With that the room door slammed shut leaving the three alone in the room.

"Hey man, you know he's right though..." Zilévo waited for a response but got none "you ok dude?" Silence.

"Hey listen I'm here for you man, just think about your next step before you do anything rash." Zilévo went to leave as well looking back one last time. His friend was still standing in the same spot with his head held down still blood dripping from his nose onto the milky white carpet.

"Aye you!"

The kid that was crouched in the corner next to him looked up "M-me?" "Yes you! Get up and go wet him a towel, my friend saved your life the least you can do is tend to his fucked up face." The door closed after the curly haired boy said that to the younger. They looked up at Eros and rushed to the bathroom to grab a towel, running it under cool water. They went back out to Eros who still hadn't moved. They grabbed him by the arm and dragged. Literally dragged. Him over to sit on the couch.

They grabbed his head and lifted it slightly "oh god!" Was gasped at the sight of Eros face his face had swollen due to the abuse of Moomin. They took the towel and gently dabbed his lip and wiped the blood from his face, she then held his head back and put the towel over his nose in an attempt to stop the left over bleeding. Eros -for once- was just silent.

"Umm. Thank you, for helping me. I'm sorry I got you into trouble with your friends I didn't mean to be a bother. I-" Eros sat up and took the towel off his nose the bleeding had stopped. He looked at the younger with dead eyes and smiled "it's cool just pay me back by giving me head." Their face went red and was covered by their hands. Eros sat the towel down on the stand next to him his face went down from the swelling just a bit "I'm serious though, I wouldn't of done it if I didn't like you, n don't worry bout Moo I'm used to it." He said and pulled the girl back into him and held them there for a while.

Their breathing was all that could be Hurd through out the empty room "fuck. What am I gonna do with you?" He sighed. The question more so for him self.

"Are you guys not from here?" The kid asked as they looked up at Eros. Eros looked down at them "nah came here for business" he put his head down in their hair moving his face in it to make it comfortable. "Where are you from?" Their curiouity had been peeked "Me, I'm from Okinawa, but if ur asking where I'm coming from It's Tokyo." His voice was muffled a bit but they could understand him

"oh! Where's that?!"


"Umm like where in the world is that?"

Eros lifted his head from its original place and looked down at the younger "Are you fucking retarded?" He held amusement in his eyes, the kid looked as if they were about to cry at the insult. "I'm not really familiar with anything outside of this part Russia or Dublin, my parents don't inform me on things they don't find important." Her Head held down not wanting to look at Eros, embarrassed on the fact of what they didn't know.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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