El Sin Nombre

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"How do we feel, boys?" Soap asks in an excited voice as we all stand on the rooftop of some random building. "Sugar's bruises healed, it's a new week, and we have a night mission!" He lists off

"We're feeling great, Soap." I breathe a smile he beams at when I give him the smallest of grins that blows up into something completely different in his head

"Ooh." He smirks and walks over to me in a strut. "Someone want to get sudsy?" He wiggles his eyebrows and shakes his shoulders that makes Ghost scoff beside me, already annoyed but his possessiveness slips through his boots to move him a step closer to me

"We have bigger problems here, Johnny." I remind him

Yeah, found out his name after he found out mine.

"So tell me and make sure you say my name again." He smiles. "You make it sound good." He murmurs seductively and I roll my eyes in amusement

"The missiles were never in Spain when Price and I went, the guidance systems were." I start and Alejandro glances over his shoulder at me, confused at what the Hell I am talking about

"Guidance systems...?" Alejandro repeats and I nod. "Where did they get those?" He asks

"Russians." I say and Soap's face falls into seriousness when my eyes pull to his

"Where are they now?" Soap asks with his deeper accented voice opposed from his higher, flirty one that has gotten almost every female soldier in his bed beside me

Kind of wicked that he did it in four months.

It's honestly more impressive than wicked.

"They're on the missiles." Ghost answers this time after I gave him the run down when I woke up and got ready with him sitting on my bed, not tired even a little when his insomnia keeps him up but he did leave for a little bit to get showered and dressed after he cleaned me up and dressed me from what he was telling me. "And aside from Hassan, there is only one person who knows where to find them." He adds

"La casa de Sin Nombre?" Soap grabs his binoculars and looks through them at the beach house mansion that is stuck on the side of a mountain where bright lights keep the archways of every window and door visible and the pool reflecting the glow

"I appreciate the Spanish but, no." Alejandro turns and gazes out at the red roofed structure without the magnifiers. "One of his Lugartenientes." He says

"English for the ones still learning Spanish?" I request and he smiles

"Lieutenant, Francotiradora." He translates and I nod in thanks

"I could've told you that." Soap mutters

"Would you like a gold star sticker?" Alejandro chuckles at Soap's ability to learn which we tease him about more than we like to admit. "I have a sleeve in my pocket you can rack up on." He offers jokingly

"I am only interested in racking up my kill count like sugar bear over there." He gives me a flirty look. "What? It rhymes!" He defends himself when I give another eye roll

"I wasn't doing that at your ridiculous names... I was rolling my eyes at how horrible you make my count sound." I cross my arms

"It's pretty impressive." He shrugs

"Anyways." Ghost sighs to move the conversation along and stop us from getting distracted

He's good at redirecting us.

"My sources tell me all the VIP's in Las Almas will be there tonight." Alejandro takes the hint as Soap hands the binoculars over to Graves who joined us on this mission as the three of them stand at the edge of the building while Ghost and I stay behind them. "Some are invited, others are- um..." He hesitates with his voice trailing off

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