dear, our neighbour ships us

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"You shouldn't have parked her in the heat," says Reze. "The carburetor's all melted."

Miss Yamamoto looks despondent. "I'm sure I'll remember next time, Suzui."

Reze hums, fiddling with the wrench as she pokes around the insides of the car – her nails are crusted with dirt and she's greasy all over, but she doesn't really mind. 'Suzui' has curried a lot of favour with these jobs.

"You're a real lifesaver, dear," says the old woman. "Those insurance agents would have loved ripping us off – and to think of the amount we pay as Devil precautions every year."

Reze turns, smiles. "Anything for you, Miss Yamamoto. It's all I can do for the welcome you've given me and Daiki."

The woman pushes a strand of grey hair behind her ear and peers at Reze keenly. "I know you two are just figuring things out," she says, "but I'd say that investing in something or the other's always a good choice. Especially with all the collateral from all those Devil fights."

"You're right," Reze agrees. How much would the woman freak out if she learnt the truth about her and Denji? It's amusing to think about.

Miss Yamamoto smiles faintly at her before tottering away and going back to fussing over her flowerpots.

Reze sighs. She should give the engine another once over.

When she's done, Mrs. Yamamoto hands over a wad of some yen with a twinkle in her eye.

"Thanks," Reze grins. "I'd do the work for free though," she lies, letting her hand rest on the hood of the vehicle. "I've grown quite fond of her, stray faults aside."

"Nonsense," Miss Yamamoto chuckles. "I have to recompense you for tearing you away from your Daiki, don't I?"

Reze raises an eyebrow. "That's not really a problem."

Miss Yamamoto gives her a wink. "There isn't a need to explain. Young love... I know about it all. Why, back when me and Yuuki were... it's almost scandalous!"

Reze stares at her incredulously. "It's not like that," she says finally. "We're just friends."

The old woman pats her shoulder – Reze flinches nigh instinctively. "It's alright," she says. "None of us will judge you."

Reze opens her mouth to protest but then closes it. What's the harm in letting her indulge in this delusion? It'd help them keep their cover – answer some uncomfortable questions.

"Ah, thank you," Reze says, forcing a blush onto her face. Whatever. It's not like Denji would mind.

"You're welcome, of course," Miss Yamamoto says magnanimously as she hefts a watering can.

"Aww," Reze whines, crossing her arms. "And I thought we were doing a good job keeping it under wraps."

The other raises a finger. "A woman's intuition, dear Suzui, just can't be fooled."

That's what you think , Reze thinks sourly, pushing open the gate. "I'll go now, then?"

"Oh yes," the woman says distractedly, peeling off her gloves.

Reze gives her a smile, makes her way onto the street.

"Ah, wait a second, Suzui!" a voice calls after her.

Reze turns back to look at Miss Yamamoto, who's massaging her forehead. "I can't believe that I almost forgot," the woman says, "but you had a visitor today."

Reze raises an eyebrow. "Today?"

"Today," her neighbour confirms. "When you were out."

"Really? Who?"

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