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We pull up to the driveway and it's filled with cars so it seems like he's quite the party person. I groan out load as I park the car dreading that I'll embarrass myself or be too annoying. "You're fine." Bella grabs my hands noticing that I'm picking at my nails.
"What if I'm making a mistake." I question. "Like I said let loose." She whispers opening the door to blasting music. I look around quickly, noticing the colourful but dim lights surrounding the house and all the people that are here. This is a lot of people, maybe I should just turn around and go home.
"Have fun." Bella smiles. I hate that she knows what I'm thinking or when I'm nervous but at the same time I don't. Just as I'm about to go walk right out the front door I feel a hand grab my wrist.
"Hey! I'm glad you could make it." Jude exclaims.
"Me too!" I say forcing a smile.
"Do you want to go get a drink or something?" He asks clearly noticing somethings wrong. "No I'm okay, but you go ahead!" I mutter. "Ellie what's wrong?" He asks with a big amount of concern.
"It's nothing. I'm fine." I smile. He obviously can see that somethings wrong and senses I'm uncomfortable but he doesn't push it which I appreciate, and we make our way to the drinks. "Are you sure you don't want a drink?" He asks for the third time.
"I'm sure!" I laugh as he pours himself a drink. "Okay. Suite yourself." He shrugs. After that we go to an empty room that looks like an office and has a couch and then a desk with a computer on it.
"Nice little room you've got here." I state. "Yeah. We don't really use it. It's mainly just left alone." He says sitting in the spinning chair behind the desk and across from me. I look around at my surrounds and noticing the paintings on the walls. They really fit the room. My gaze eventually returns to the man sitting in front of me just to see him looking back. We remain like that before I smile and look away. "Ellie." He whispers. I return my gaze to his and see his face full of concern.
"What's wrong." He asks once again.
"I told you. Nothing." I state.
"Ellie. That's not true." He gets up from his chair and begins making his way towards me, stopping right in front of me and joining me on the couch. I shift my body so I'm facing him and return my eyes to his.
"It's just that sometimes I get overwhelmed and I also don't want to mess up whatev-" I speak, but my words get cut off by a pair of soft lips on mine. I melt into the kiss as it feels every bit right. His hands eventually find their way to my neck, carefully moving the hair that fell out of my face. His mouth feels so good on mine, even though there is a hint of vodka. He begins taking control moving my lips with his before he pulls away slowly.
"You just need to let go. Have fun okay?" He smiles. I just sit there in shock with my eyes wide.
"Yeah okay." I finally come back down to reality and answer.
"Let's go back out there. People might miss you." I say getting up and walking towards the door. As I'm trying to find my way around the house I feel a hand on my lower back guiding me through the crowd. I turn around to find Jude smiling down at me, I return the smile and turn my focus back to what's in front of me. I eventually find my friends who are right now just huddled around the coffee table. Kind of odd if you ask me.
"Where'd you go?" Bella yells, me sensing the alcohol in her system.
"I just went to the bathroom." I lie. I'll tell her tomorrow morning when she might remember it. I sit down on the couch and Bella follows leaning her head on my shoulder. I rub her hair lightly as she takes a big sigh. I think we're both exhausted at this point even though I took a nap earlier today. I feel the weight shift on the other side of me and turn to see Jude watching his friend and laughing. He has an amazing side profile, and very white teeth, and nice lips, and really really nice eyebrows, and his ey- shit he caught me.
"Take a picture it'll last longer." He laughs. I mimic his laugh as I turn my attention to what he was watching. Natalie and Toby. I turn to Jude and see that he has the same smug look on his face that I probably do and we just smile at each other already know the plan. We both get up and Jude goes to Toby and whispers something in his ear before Toby turns to Natalie then looks at me and I nod in confirmation. Matchmakers! As we're walking back to our spots we're hear Toby begin to introduce himself and I just smile and walk back to the couch. I turn and see that Bella is now laying on the arm rest with her eyes closed. I look down at my phone and see that it's 12:21am and I decide that I'll stay for 20 more minutes then take Bella home.
"I'm gonna go in like 20 minutes to take Bella home." I turn to Jude then point at Bella sleeping.
"Okay. We should hangout again sometime." He says eagerly.
"Yeah I would really like that." I smile.
"Oh. And can I get you number because I get SO many DMs a day and I can't really answer as much." He exaggerates the 'so' showing that he's kidding.
"Yeah. Sure." I try to act as cool as I can but internally I'm freaking out. I hand him my phone and he makes himself a contact as I do the same with his. I hand his phone back and look down and see his name in my phone is Jude The Cool Dude. Okay then. I smile at the name and return my attention to him.
"Would you want to go watch one of my games?" He asks.
"Of course. But they're in Germany so it's highly unlikely." I reply.
"I think I can manage something." He smirks. "Want to go talk in my room?" He offers.
"That sounds perfect." I reply wanting to get away from all the people. Bella might be able to wait. He guides me to his room which is located on the right side of the stairs and he has a pretty nice room. His bed is in the middle and across from it is his closet and TV. He has a desk and a big bathroom that connects to a walk in closet.
"Damn. And I thought my room was nice." I mutter.
"What was that?" He turns.
"Nothing. You just have a nice room." I smile making my way to his bed. I get on the left side and fall into the mattress. This is nice. He eventually joins me after he's changed his clothes and I turn to face him.
"What do you do for work?" He wonders.
"I'm an interior designer." I answer back.
"Ah. So when we move into a house together I won't have to pay anyone to decorate." He smirks.
"Woah, a little forward there buddy." I laugh knowing he's kidding.
"Do you like it?" He asks.
"Yeah I guess. I mean I like making people happy and bringing their visions to life." I answers.
"Good answer." He whispers.
"Do you ever get tired of playing football?" I ask genuinely wondering.
"No not really. It's what I've wanted to do since I was little and its my dream I guess so I realize how fortunate I am to have the life I have." He answers. I love how he can hold a conversation and answer genuinely.
"Well I better go home now." I walk away slowly hoping he'll stop me.
"Wait." He says. Perfect. I turn around acting all innocent like that wasn't my plan all along and turn to meet his eyes.
"I just want to let you know that I had an amazing time and you're always so fun to be around and talk to." He walks up to me forcing me to look up if I want to maintain eye contact. "Me too." I smile. I actually did have a good time tonight. He made me forgot about how anxious I was and it's just always fun talking to him. I turn to open the door and begin walking out but then something just lights up in me and I quickly turn to him, standing on my tiptoes and connect our lips one last time tonight. I melt into his touch as his hands snake around my waist, pulling me closer to him. My hands find their way to the back of his neck and play with his hair. His lips feel so good on mine and if I could I would stay but unfortunately I have a roommate downstairs whose asleep and some people are weird. I slowly pull away from him and give him one last smile and a thank you before walking downstairs to find Bella.
"Bells. Let's go." I tap her. Her eyes flutter and fear fills them until she realizes it's me and gets up. We grab our stuff and go out to the car. Natalie and Liz are getting a ride home with Issac and wanted to stay longer so I don't need to worry about them. I start the car and pull out of the driveway onto the road. I turn to Bella who is already asleep and laugh.
"I have some much to tell you tomorrow." I say even though I know she probably can't hear me.

Endless Nights // Jude BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now