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The newsreader, perched on the newly erected podium more befitting of his rising station in the Colony, encouraged the bystanders to move closer to him. An sombreness hanged over the public square. Most of the Colonists were dressed in black, clutching their Bibles. After he was done with weather predictions he took out his own Bible and waved it in the air.

'Minister Petrus Wachtendorp is not dead. Yes, he died three days after he was sworn in, but he had been called to a higher Ministry in the service of God, above there,' he said and pointed towards the sky with the Bible. 'Side by side with the angels in heaven. To his widow, Maria, we extend our pain. Her pain is our pain during this difficult time but we draw strength from our belief that he is already fighting the good fight for us, left behind. And his successor, God bless his heart, will continue to fight the good fight with us here on earth.'

'Amen,' they chanted in agreement. His raving dedication to the short-lived ministry of a Minister they hardly knew, received many nods.

'But our God taketh away, and our God giveth. For He, in his infinite wisdom sent forth a new Minister to lead His flock. He pointed to the young Minister to his right. Here, by my side is Adriaan de Voogd, twin brother of Johannes de Voogd. The hand of God had reached down and sent us someone to fill the void of our departed Minister. God provideth, and we thank him,' he said. He was pensive, eyes combing his listeners while his lips took on the shaped of a kettle's spout. 'Commander Wagenaer brought many changes. Good changes, you will agree, good people of the Colony.' He put his hand behind his ear. The responded with acclamations affirming his question. 'The Castle is making good progress. The elite Company farm, Rustenburg, yields bountiful crops of grain, tobacco and vegetables. The buildings he erected are a sight to behold and the wine from its vineyards are honey on the palate.'

'Hear, hear.'

'Now we have a new Commander, Cornelis Quaelbergen, a decorated naval officer, a leader who said he will take no prisoners in the pursuit of his mission in the Colony. He will execute his god-given purpose, complete that Castle and wipe that clay and mud fort from the memory of our Colony. Those are his promises. This Commander has one promise he wants you all to hear. He will do things better than his predecessors, because he will do things differently. Today, good people of the Colony, I send you forth with one of my favourite fables. All he who has ears, listen.'

He cleared his throat. 'Long long ago, there was a pond full of frogs that called on the mighty god of thunder, lightning, storms, light and sky to send them a king. Oh mighty one with the voice of thunder, and eyes of lightning, send us a king, they pleaded. The mighty one heard their pleas and threw down a log. It landed in their pond with a huge splash. It terrified them and they hid out of fear. Too afraid to put their heads above the water they remained there. One day a brave frog pushed his head above the water and saw that the log was not moving. He called all the other frogs out of hiding. They all hopped onto the log and made fun of their log king. Then they made a second request. Oh mighty god of thunder, lightning, storms, light and sky send us a real king, they pleaded. A great stork landed on the pond and started feeding on them. They were distraught and called on the god of thunder, lightning, storms, light and sky, once again. Oh, mighty god, we beg you, send us a real king. The god of thunder, lightning, storms, light and sky looked down at them and said. You have asked and you have received.

'What does that mean?' One person asked.

We have asked and we have received both a Minister and a new Commander. May the God who gives and takes away, bless the prayers of his faithful servants who live in eternal hope. Let these servants not only do things differently than those who served before them. Let them do things better... Only time will tell. Until then my question remains. Is Our new Commander a log or a stork. And our new Minister? Is he a log or a storks?'

He bowed as they dispersed with a rowdy applause.

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