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" oh . Three , okay ", klaus cheers as he goes through his pockets  , micah watching from the couch , spread out and legs hanging off the edge, arms above his head to rest on while klaus tipped his head back slightly , popping the three pills into his mouth , sighing as they stared to kick in , and crawling on top of micah , humming happily when he feels micah place a kiss on the top of his head , an arm coming out from behind his head to hold klaus , running his hand up and down his spine in a way that soothed klaus , melting on top of micah , his hand on klaus stilling when a familiar song of 'I think we're alone now' by Tiffany started to play loudly in the house , looking down at klaus with a furrowed brow , but klaus only looked up , rolling of micah , and the couch , with a thud and sitting up on the floor and standing , grinning as he put out a hand in presentation
" may I have this dance , micah ", he asks in a odd accent , micah standing , joining their hands as he looked down at klaus softly , wrapping an hand around his waist and letting klaus wrap his over his shoulder , the pair starting to sway , klaus spinning them every now and then with their bodies still pressed together
"I don't know what we're doing , baby , but you look ridiculously hot in a skirt ", micah mutters out
" why thank you ", klaus grins , doing a small curtsy with their bodies still against one another , making micah smirk down at him , placing a soft kiss on klaus's lips , who hums , wrapping both arms around micah to keep him close as they swayed , klaus yelping as loud cackling and flashes of lighting ubtuptly started to echo through the place , jumping onto micah , screeching as knives started to lift themselves and drift into their direction , making micah hold klaus to him , turning so the lanky male would be okay and he'd be the only one hit if they went their way
" oh , daddy ", klaus yelps , thinking he was being haunted by his dead dad , only for micah to look down at him with a raised brow , which makes klaus purse his lips before they both look to the side where the knives were now stuck in the wall
" we're being haunted ", klaus gasps out , glancing around frantically and started to run to where the light was coming from outside , micah following with a scowl , latching his hand with klaus's so he wouldn't run off, looking at klaus oddly despite his scowl when he grabs a fire extinguisher off the ground and let go of Micah's hand so he could hold it without struggle , running outside , past his siblings that were already there and pulling the black hose off about to extinguish before his face drops slightly and just held the extinguisher above his head and tossed it towards the portal looking thing
" what is that gonna do ", Allison asks over the cackling noise of whatever the thing was , klaus yelping instead of answering as micah pulled him back , now glaring with his scowl as he pulled klaus behind him and moving them both back
" I don't know , do you have a better idea ", klaus exclaims with a shrug , finally answering Alison's question , blinking rapidly and jumping when it got bigger , something appearing in the middle and the cackling becoming louder
" micah , micah , micah ", klaus yelps , moving behind his boyfriend and hugging him from behind tightly , making Micah's face soften slightly , wrapping his arms over klaus's and stroking his knuckles with his touch hands , getting odd looks from any of the siblings that looked over
" whoa , whoa , whoa , everyone get behind me ", Luther tells everyone , stepping in front of everyone , micah only rolling his eyes as he continues to sooth klaus
" yeah , everybody get behind us ", Diego says , stepping beside Luther
" I vote for running , cmon", klaus tells , tugging Micah's arm and looking at the others , nobody moving other than micah wrapping his arms around klaus , watching as someone seemed to come out of the portal until the light and cackling all went away , what seemed to be a young child falling out and onto the ground as the thunder faded away, klaus peeking over Micah's arm only for his face to form slight shock , not completely sure if he wasn't just seeing things, the group of siblings , plus micah , stepping closer as the teen boy stood with a grunt
" does anyone else see little number five , or is that just me ", klaus finally mutters out , making the boy look down at himself a bit confused , then looking up with parted lips and annoyance covering his face
" shit ", he cursed , micah raising a brow at him before looking down at klaus , who glances back at him still in surprise
" what's the date , the exact date ", five asks as he made his way around the kitchen with no trouble , klaus rubbing his chin with a thoughtful look , legs crossed and sat on top of the table , his other siblings crowded around as they watched five , micah watching him curiously, stood next to the fridge , keeping his eyes on the seemingly teenage boy and klaus
" the 24th ", vanya tells him vaguely, making both five and micah sigh
" of what ", five prompted , furrowing his brows when he glanced at micah
" March ", vanya frowns
" good ", five sighed , seeming content with the answer
" so , are we gonna talk about what just happened ", Luther asks , five staying silent as he put two pieces of bread out , klaus frowning , glancing to micah while Luther stands ubtuptly
" it's been seventeen years", Luther starts , making five scoff
" it's been a lot longer than that ", he huffed , turning to Luther and stepping through him as he teleported , micah smirking when Luther seemed to become more annoyed
" I haven't missed that ", Luther mutters, give looking through the shelf he just appeared on , besides micah
" where's you go ", Diego asks
" the future . It's shit , by the way ", five sighed , popping up where he was making his sandwich half way through his sentence
" called it ", klaus puts his hand up , looking around while knowone reacts  , grinning when he meets Micah's eyes
" called it ", he repeated , pointing at micah , who hums , nodding slightly with soft eyes to the man
" i shouldve listened to the old man . You know , jumping through space is one thing , jumping through time is a toss of the dice ", five explains , grabbing things from the fridge before going back to where he was making his sandwich, glancing up to all his oblongs , noticing klaus's attire
" nice dress ", he mutters , micah smirking as he looked at klaus
" oh , well , danke . Micah said the same thing ", klaus says , swinging a piece of fabric from his skirt , making five glance at micah also , now realising why he was here , and that it was because of klaus , not entirely sure how it would work out with the apocalypse equation , he didn't see micah in the future or with the others when he found their bodies
" wait , how did you get back ", vanya asks , still confused
" in the end , I had to project my consciousness forward into suspended quantum state version of myself that exsists across every possible instance of time ", five explained , micah being the only one to understand what he said
" that makes no sense " , Diego mutters , and klaus looks to micah with a confused look
" well, it would if you were smarter ", five shrugs , micah nodding slightly in agreement , klaus still looking at micah with confusion , but also not really caring
"How long we're you there ", Luther scowls , putting his arm out to stop Diego when he stood
" forty five years , give or take ", five mused , making the siblings all look at him in surprise, klaus still completely lost
" so , what are you saying . That you're 58", Luther spoke in shock
" no -
" his conscience is 58 . His body is in whatever form it was last time you all saw him , his equation must of been wrong ", micah hums out , that being the first time any of the siblings heard him talk , and klaus's lips part , then pointing at micah as he looks at five
" my boyfriends a genius ", klaus states proudly
" wait , how does that even work ", vanya says confused , not only looking at five but also at micah , which all of the siblings were now doing , klaus mainly looking at five
" Delores kept saying the equations were off , eh ", five shrugs before taking a bite of his marshmallow and peanut butter sandwich
" bet she's laughing now ", he mutters
" Delores ", vanya asks , five looking down at the newspaper as he notices it , humming under his breathe
" guess I missed the funeral ", he says as he looks at the front page carelessly
" how'd you know that ", Luther asks , making micah look at him like he's stupid , along with five , who also notices Micah's expression and holds back his amusement , finding a liking for the male he had technically just met
" what part of the future do you not understand ", five raised an unimpressed brow at him , making the man's face drop , klaus snickering
" heart failure , huh ", he muses
" yeah "
" no "
Diego and Luther say at the same time , making five look at them both , then humming once more, clicking his tongue before he spoke
" nice to see nothings changed ", he says before going to leave the room , klaus pulling a face as he hopped off the table
" uh , that's if , that's all you have to say ", allison calls out
" what else is there to say . It's the circle of life", five days as he leaves the room
" hey , I gotta boyfriend , who we both know you love ever since he opened his mouth , that's a big change , I'm committed, and everything ", klaus rambles , then points at micah , who comes over to him
" see , living proof ", klaus states , micah humming under his breathe

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