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"  I was pretty good , though , right . ' yeah , what about my consent , bitch ' ", klaus laughs out , causing micah to sigh , kissing the side of his face , making the man hiss at the sting from how many cuts were on his face
" klaus , it doesn't matter ", five says in fustration as micah cups klaus's face , gaze darting all over his face with furrowed brows , and klaus looks at him for a few seconds before looking to five , still being nursed by micah
" what , what . What's the big thing with this eye , anyway ", he shrugs uncaringly , getting a look from micah as he brushes glass from klaus's hair
" there is someone out there who's going to lose an eye in the next seven days . They're gonna bring about the end of life on this earth as we know it ", five spits out before walking away , micah stilling at fives words , frowning
" yeah , can I get my 20 bucks , like , now , or what ", klaus asks , moving Micah's hands away from his face and turning to five , holding a hand out for money
" your 20 bucks "
" yeah , my 20 bucks ", klaus huffs
" the apocalypse is coming and all you can think about is getting high ", five spat out in annoyance , and micah sighs , pulling klaus to him
"Well , I'm also quite hungry . Tummy's  rumbling ", he says before waving his fingers as he makes a growling noise , and micah hums , pulling klaus into his arms
" let's go feed you then , yeah , pretty boy", micah muses under his breathe , placing a kiss on klaus's lips , cutting off whatever five was going to say , which turns into a grumble of everyone being useless
" oh , come on , you need to lighten up , old man ", klaus jokes , waving a arm at five as he turns in Micah's arms
" hey , you know , I've just realised why you're so uptight . You must be horny as hell ", klaus laughs as he pulls micah with him to sit besides five on the steps
" all those years by yourself. It's gotta screw with your head , being alone ", klaus sighs
" I wasn't alone ", five confesses reminiscing
" oh "klaus questions as he looks to five , yelping when he gets placed onto Micah's lap once more , getting a roll of the eyes from five
" pray tell ", klaus coaxes as he looks at his brother
" her name was Delores . We were together for over 30 years ", five explains , making klaus raise his brows  in shock
" thirty years . Oh , wow ", klaus chuckles out
" god , the longest I've been with someone is with ... micah , before that it was , I don't know , three weeks , but that was only because I was so tired of looking for a place to sleep -
" he's gone now , baby , let's go get you fed", micah tells him as he pulls klaus to stand , and pulling him along as he starts to ramble about how five never gave him his money
" get out the dumpster , klaus ", micah huffs , tilting his head back when klaus only continued to throw things out the trash can he was in
" damn it , where's dads stuff ", klaus groans
" can we go see a movie or something ", Ben asks , which only makes klaus whine in annoyance , causing Micah's gaze to snap back over to him with a raised brow
" or the ocean ", Ben adds
" shut up ", klaus strops , huffing under his breathe
" I'm trying to find whatever .... Priceless crap was in that priceless box so pogo will get off my ass", he rants , not noticing five coming down the ladder from his bedroom window
" I'd ask what you're up to , klaus , but then it occurred to me .... I don't care ", five says boredly as he drops onto the floor
" hey , you know there are easier ways out of the house , buddy ", klaus laughs out
" this one involved the least talking . Or so I thought "
" hey , hey , hey , so .... You need any more company today. I could , uh , clear our schedules ", klaus says as he took a sip from his flask , and five looks between the couple sighing
" looks like you've got your hands full ", five responded half sarcastic as he looks at the dumpster klaus was in
" oh , this . No , no . I can do this whenever . I'm just — I just misplaced something , that's all", he says as he dives back in , rummaging through the rubbish loudly , and micah furrows his brows as he leans off the wall
" oh . Found it , thank god ", klaus praises as he holds up half a bagel , and micah scowls
" don't you dare eat that — klaus ", micah groans as klaus spits it out , giving micah an innocent look
" delicious ", klaus gulps , cringing after he spoke and throwing the begal back away as micah came over to pull him out the dumpster
" I'm done finding your drug habit ", five sighs as he turns to leave
" come on . You don't — maybe I just wanna hang out with my brother ", klaus calls out as micah holds him at arms length , Ben giving klaus a look at his words
" not you ", klaus clarifies as he glances at Ben
" mi hermano ", he calls out , brushing his clothes down and sniffing himself
" I love you ", he adds in a yell to five
" even if you can't love yourself ", he cried as five started the engine , then he turns to look at micah
" I love you too , don't worry ", he smiles sweetly, tilting his head , and micah hums , brushing klaus's body and sighing
" I love you , but go brush your teeth , I don't want mould in my mouth , or yours ", micah mutters sourly , brushing his thumb on klaus's bottom lip , and klaus kissed his thumb cheekily before laughing at the deadpan expression micah gives him
Five scowls as Luther got into the car , rocking it as he tries to fit in
" you shouldn't be .... How did you find me ", five asks , making Luther breathe out , pointing to the back of the van , the brothers both turning to see klaus fake making out with a mannequin
" hey , baby .... Hey , a little privacy guys . We're really hitting it off back here , ahhh", klaus screams dramatically as five threw rubbish back at him , using the mannequin as a shield against him
" get out , you can't be here , I'm in the middle of something ", five hisses, making klaus roll his eyes as he moves so he was behind the pair in the front
" any luck finding your one eyed man", he asks
" no ", five whisper yells
" what's he talking about ", Luther asks cluelessly, making five give klaus a look before turning back to Luther
" does it matter , it's klaus", five dismissed , then noticing micah not that far away , leant on a lamp post with a cigarette between his lips , a deep scowl set on his face as he looks around
" oh , yeah , Micah's here , he looks hot , doesn't he ", klaus grins , looking at micah through the wind shield dreamily as five sighs
" what do you want , Luther ", five asks sourly
" um ... so , grace may have had something to do with dads death . So I need you to come back to the academy, all right , it's important ", Luther tells him , only making the seemingly teenage boy scoff
" ' it's important' , you have no concept of what's important-
" hey . Did I ever tell you guys about the time I waxed my ass with chocolate pudding ", klaus giggles
" it was so painful , and micah was grouchy for a week-
" what are you still doing here ", Luther cuts him off , making his face drop
" I —— what , I need an excuse to hang out with my family", klaus frowns
" we're trying to have a serious conversation ", Luther tells him
" what , and I'm incapable of being serious, is that what you're saying ", klaus says in offence
" Luther's got a point , you should get out ", five joins in
" what ", he huffed , seeing the looks from both his brothers and gets out the van grumpily
" They are so mean , why did I ever do to them, serious my ass..", klaus rants as he comes over to micah , who's scowl wares away in his presence , raising a brow at klaus's adorably grumpy one
" I want snacks ", klaus decides , pecking micah on the lips and joining their hands as he goes off in the direction of a mini grocery store , completely uncaring to any odd looks they get as he swung their hands on their way
" what about these", klaus grins , holding up random items of sweets and chocolate , and micah hums , taking them from klaus's hands
" okay , ready ", klaus says cheekily as he looks around the place and micah glances to the check out bit
" okay , go , go , go ", klaus laughs as he starts to run out , pulling micah with him as they rushed out the store
" whooo", klaus whoops as he runs , giggling as a man ran out after them yelling for them to stop , and micah chuckles , picking klaus up and throwing him over his shoulder as he jogged away
" hey , stop right now-
" ooohh , nice ass", klaus laughs , arms full of random snacks that he was dropping everywhere, and micah smirks at klaus's words , shaking his head as he made his way to the van
" hey , bitches", klaus yells as a man whistles after them , grinning upside down at his brothers as micah ran across the raod , a car almost hitting them as he did
" out of the way , asshole ", klaus yells at the driver , giggling
" my boyfriends awesome ", he cheers , laughing his ass off as they get away from the officer after them , micah smiling softly as he puts klaus back on his feet , klaus still giggling and light headed from the adrenaline when micah kisses his lips softly

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