Chapter One

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"Nothing is gonna happen, but if something does, you take Laddie and run." Dwayne stated, and Stelara nodded.

Those were the last words that she heard from any of the Lost Boys, before all hell had broke loose. Marko had been killed that morning by one of the Frog brothers, and Stelara had to practically watch it happen. She was distraught over his death, but watching the others die tore her apart.

She had watched Paul die, which was horrible, and she watched Dwayne die. His death made her feeling like she was breaking apart, but once David was dead, her heart felt like it had been torn out and crushed. The four boys that made her happy were gone. So, she did as Dwayne had said, and she grabbed Laddie and ran.

"If I ever see any of you again, I will kill you." She spat at Michael and Star, before she and Laddie disappeared into the night.

Only twenty minutes later, she and Laddie felt a weight lift off their shoulders. Max had been killed, and with that, they two had lost their vampirism.

"Where are we gonna go?" Laddie asked, as he leaned against Stelara's side.

"Far away from here, where they can never find us." She replied, squeezing Laddie's shoulders gently.

She and Laddie ended up taking bus after bus, until they were in New York. Stelara remembered all the money she had stashed away from the people the boys had killed, as well as the many people she would pickpocket. With that money, she found her and Laddie a small apartment, which had luckily come with a bed, a fridge, a stove, and small TV.

The next morning, Stelara had to go out and find herself a job, which definitely wasn't easy. She was so use to getting what she wanted without paying and without working for it, but now she had to do it all herself, and she had to provide for a little boy as well. It wasn't an easy task, and she wasn't very happy about it. She was going to make sure Laddie lived a happy life though, no matter how unhappy she was with her own.

She ended up finding a job at a café that sold coffee, muffins, cupcakes, cookies, and different kinds of tea. The café smelt weird, but Stelara wasn't use to smells of coffee and baked goods. She was so used to the smell of the ocean and death. It was weird just how different New York was from Santa Carla.

After almost a month of working at the café, she was able to buy new blankets, pillows, quite a bit of food, a DVD player, and some DVDs for Laddie to entertain himself with. The problem was, soon she would have to sign him up for school, but he wasn't technically her son, so she had to figure out a way to forge all the papers. If she could do that, nobody would find out the truth.

Stelara wasn't perfect at settling down in New York, since she was worried Star would find her and Laddie. Star showed no interest in the two, but if Michael did in any way, she knew Star would come looking for them. Yes, she told Star and Michael she would kill them, but that was back when she was half-vampire. If she had seen them, she would've completed her transition just to kill them, but she couldn't do that now.

Stelara had actually managed to make a friend while working at the café. The woman's name was Miranda, and she was twenty three years old. She and Miranda got along well, but she never invited the woman to her apartment. Miranda had invited her a few times, but Stelara always made an excuse, most were to do with Laddie. Miranda only knew of Laddie as Stelara's son, but she never really learned any of the other details.

The lie was that Laddie wasn't a big fan of meeting new people. He was scared of most people, since someone had come and hurt his family when he was little. Stelara never went into any detail, but Miranda put the pieces together that Laddie's father had most likely been killed. She never questioned it, but she did feel bad for both the mother and child.

When they were with the Lost Boys, Dwayne had practically raised Laddie as his own, as did Stelara. David wasn't a huge fan of the kid, but he never really had it out for him or anything. Paul and Marko were childish, so they got along with the kid rather well. When Star came along, she acted sweet at first, but after a bit of time, it all turned around.

As soon as Michael came into the picture, Star practically left the coven to be with the human boy. She was angry that she had to bring Michael to their hideout to become one of them. She tried so hard to make it not happen, but the others weren't going to let her succeed. They had orders from Max, and they were going to follow through.

If it wasn't for those freaks, the Frog brothers, Stelara and Laddie would've never lost their friends. Star might've been taken out for the greater good, but the boys would've still been alive. Stelara knew better than to dwell on the past, but she couldn't help but wonder what could've happened if Star had never joined, or if Michael had never come around.

She knew she should've killed Michael when she first seen him, or Star when she had the chance, but she never did. She realized now all the things she could've or should've done, but it was too late. She and Laddie were alone, and they had to deal with it, rather they were happy about it or not. At least, the two still had each other, and they weren't completely alone in a world that seemed to move on without them...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. Like I said before, this book is a small crossover, meaning the Lost Boys won't be mentioned as much as the MCU characters.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

Ex-Vampire (C.Barton) (Lost Boys/MCU crossover)Where stories live. Discover now