Chapter Six

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A couple of days later, Clint asked if she and Laddie wanted to go to the park with him. She agreed of course, since she wanted to see how good of a guy he really was with her son. He seemed like a nice guy, but that really didn't mean anything if he was mean to Laddie.

While she and Laddie were getting ready, she recieved another message from Clint. He let her know that there was something important that he needed to discuss with her, and that his friend Natasha wanted to meet her. She agreed to meeting Natasha, but she was worried about what Clint needed to tell her.

She and Laddie met Clint at the park, and his friend was with him. The woman looked mean, but that didn't really mean anything. She could be the nicest person in the world, and she could just look really mean.

"Clint, this is Laddie," Stelara motioned to her son,"Laddie, this is the man I was telling you about. This is Clint Barton." She said, as she motioned to Clint.

Clint and Laddie hit it off quickly, and Laddie pulled him off to play. Clint didn't even get a chance to introduce Stelara and Natasha. It was fine though, since the girls could introduce themselves to each other just fine.

"Look, I know what Clint wants to tell you," Natasha commented,"He didn't sign the Accords, he won't. He's going to be retiring from the hero life, and for some time, he has to go home. He will be back though, and you will see him again. I'll make sure of it. Just don't take it out on him, he really does care about you and your son." She stated, and Stelara nodded.

"Did you sign?" Stelara asked, causing Natasha to sigh.

"I'm going to in a couple of days." She replied, making Stelara bite her lip.

Stelara wondered why Clint didn't want to sign the Accords. She didn't know anything about the Accords though, so she wouldn't force him. The man probably had his reasons, so she wouldn't hound him over it. He deserved to make his own decisions, even if that meant she couldn't see him for a while. At least they could always text, even if that didn't always feel like enough.

Natasha had to leave soon after, and she told Stelara it was because she had to travel. It seemed to Stelara that Tony was trying to keep track of all the Avengers that were going to sign, or have already signed the Accords. Stelara sat and watched Clint and Laddie play in the park.

The woman felt her heart swell at the sight. Clint was honestly amazing with Laddie, which made her sad that he might not be around for a while. She hoped he wouldn't forget about her and Laddie. Laddie already seemed to like the man so much, and he needed a man in his life to look up to after he lost Dwayne and the other Lost Boys.

"You guys want to get lunch and ice cream?" Stelara called, and the boys ran her way.

"Subway!" Laddie exclaimed, causing both adults to laugh.

Stelara lead the way to Subway, and the went inside to eat. Each of them ordered their own sandwiches, though Laddie needed help with what some of the things he wanted were named. Once they had their sandwiches, they sat down at a table and ate their lunch.

After Subway, they went to an ice cream parlor. This time, Clint paid because he wanted to, and they got what they wanted. Laddie hadn't been this happy in a long time. Stelara was so happy to see such a big smile on the boy's face.

"I'll walk you guys home." Clint commented, and Stelara agreed.

"Natasha told me what you were going to tell me before Laddie pulled you away." She said, causing Clint to sigh.

"I'm sorry that this is happening. I really didn't want to do this, but I couldn't sign the Accords. They're wrong." He replied, making the woman nod.

"I understand, don't worry. We're just going to miss seeing you for a while." She answered, and he smiled.

"I will see you guys as soon as I can, I promise." Clint commented, making the woman smile as well.

Once they were at Stelara and Laddie's apartment, Clint said his goodbye. He promised to see them again soon, before he disappeared down the hall. Stelara knew she was going to miss him, and she knew Laddie would, too. She really hoped that Clint would see them again soon.

Stelara dreamed about Clint when she went to bed that night. She dreamed about what their future was to hold. She also dreamed about their day at the part. Laddie hadn't been that happy in a long time, and Clint had brought that out of him.

Stelara didn't know that Natasha had put her number into her phone. Clint had given Natasha Stelara's phone number, so in case something bad happened, she'd be able to contact the woman. Natasha planned to send the woman a message, letting her know that she could contact her at any moment if something didn't seem right, or something bad happened.

If Clint cared for someone, then Natasha was going to protect them. Natasha protected everyone that Clint cared for, even if that put herself in danger. He had went through so much for her, and she would do the same for him. She could never repay her best friend for everything he did for her. He was the family she never truly had, and she would always love him.

Honestly, Natasha had a feeling that Stelara and Laddie would be good for Clint. He deserved to be happy, especially after losing his wife. Stelara was so understanding, and Laddie was a sweet kid. Natasha felt good about them, and she was going to make sure they were always around for Clint, even after he chose a different side than her...

Ex-Vampire (C.Barton) (Lost Boys/MCU crossover)Where stories live. Discover now