Team Oddity 1: Rejection

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    Echo stood before the leader of Treeshroud Village, Noctowl. He was on trial. Echo had the unusual quality of being a "shiny" pokemon — he was snow white from head to toe. On top of that, his eyes were a bright, solid blue color. For all of his life, thanks to his two friends Emolga and Pachirisu, Echo had managed to hide his white tint from the other pokemon of Treeshroud by painting himself cream and brown. However, last night, they had forgotten to do so, and it didn't take long for word to get back to Noctowl, who quickly called for a trial against Echo for his secret.
    "So, you admit to it, then? Hiding your true appearance from the community of Treeshroud?"
    "Y-Yes, Noctowl, but—" Echo stammered.
    "And you blame these two—" Noctowl gestured with his wing to Emolga and Pachirisu, who were standing behind Echo, their faces filled with worry and panic. "—for your own lies and betrayal?"
    Echo's eyes widened. "Wh-what? No, no no, I'm not blaming them, I'm not blaming anyone—"
    Noctowl held up a wing to silence Echo. "I believe we've heard enough. To think that you would use such young pokemon like yourself to commit such a crime... It's reprehensible."
Emolga cried "No, Noctowl, sir, we weren't tricked, we—"
    "Enough. You needn't defend this criminal any longer; he can do you no further harm," Noctowl interrupted. "All that remains is to give the ruling and sentence. All those who believe this individual is a criminal?" Almost every hoof, paw, claw and hand went up. "All those who believe the defendant is... innocent?" Noctowl said with a steely gaze. Only Emolga and Pachirisu raised their paws. Echo gave them a weak smile. Even now, they were trying to protect him. But...
    "Then, by majority vote... Echo the Eevee, you are found guilty on suspicion of conspiracy, fraudulent behavior, and entrapment of fellow citizens. The sentence... is exile." Echo's heart sank, and hot tears came to his eyes as he lowered his head. "Leave Treeshroud Village, and never return." Noctowl decreed. Without a word, Echo turned around and began plodding to the village exit. He knew it was over.
    "Echo! No, this isn't fair! You can't kick him out—" Pachirisu yelled, running toward Echo, before quickly being restrained by two Raticate.
    "Echo!!" Emolga shouted, trying to push past.
    Echo turned and smiled. "Thanks, you guys. For everything. Maybe we can hang out again someday. ...Bye." Echo said tearfully.
    Behind him, he heard Noctowl say "Now, now. There's nothing to worry about. Let's get the two of you home to your families..."


    Not too far away, a certain Mew was having similar luck. "You can't kick me out, you jerk! This is an outrage! I'll beat you up!" Her name was Liu, and unlike other Mew, she could change her color based on her emotions, as well as at will. She had never shown this ability to anyone...up until last night. 
    A Lucario had been flirting with her during a festival the night before, and invited her to dance with him. Liu, normally an outcast due to her defensive and abrasive behavior, was both surprised and somewhat grateful that she was being asked to dance like this. Naturally, she accepted. Everything was going well at first, but as Liu enjoyed the festival with the Lucario, she let herself slip. She had been so happy in that moment, that her body and fur had turned a bright, sunshine yellow. Of course, once this happened, all eyes turned to Liu, and the music quickly cut out. The Lucario she had been dancing with reeled back in alarm, and called her a freak when Liu tried to explain.
    Naturally, it didn't take long for the news to be relayed to Rayquaza, the leader of the town in Sky Stairway, and...
    "Demon! Freak! Your color-changing ability is wholly unnatural for a Mew! You are hereby banished from Sky Stairway, effective immediately!" Rayquaza bellowed at her.
    Liu growled, her voice dripping with venom. "Listen, you pompous, arrogant, duplicitous—" The two Golurk that stood at either side of Rayquaza took a step forward in unison. Liu paused, glancing at them momentarily, before grumbling "Whatever. This place sucks anyway, I don't care anymore. Do whatever you want."
    Liu started to head toward the entrance gates, then heard from behind her: "And don't come back, you rainbow mutant!"
    Liu clenched her fist, gritting her teeth before whipping around and rushing at Rayquaza, being quickly restrained by the Golurk. "What did you call me?! HUH?! Say it to my face! You dumb, stupid, loudmouthed—!" Liu continued to scream obscenities at the grinning Rayquaza, even as she was being dragged away.


    Meanwhile, in a small bakery on the outskirts of a forest, another pokemon was facing something similar. His name was Aeon, and he was a Furret. 
    "Out, you filthy rat! OUT, OUT, OUUUUUUT!"
    Aeon dodged flying pots, pans, knives and other utensils, covering his head and trying to get to the exit. "Jeez! Lady! All I wanted was a few muffins or something—"
    "OUUUUUUT!" The Blissey who ran the bakery continued screaming, throwing anything and everything in arm's reach at Aeon.
    "Alright! I'm goin', I'm goin'!" he yelled in frustration, scurrying out of the bakery. As he did, he heard the sound of something different hurtling toward him, and he turned, catching the object in his paw out of reflex. It was a blueberry muffin. Aeon turned to look back at the bakery, seeing a Monferno with his arms draped over the bottom half of the open door, grinning from ear to ear.
    "Yo, Aeon!" he called. "Getting into trouble again, huh?"
    Aeon grinned back. "Trouble finds me! I'm just too attractive, I guess!" Aeon smirked.
    The Monferno rolled his eyes. "Gimme a break. You better take that and run, before the old lady realizes it's missing." He responded, pointing at the muffin.
    "Yeah, yeah, I'm going. I'm surprised, though; didn't you work at a factory?" Aeon questioned, still grinning.
    "Hey, what can I say? I go through jobs like this bakery does flour. Guess trouble's got it in for both of us. Take care of yourself out there!" The Monferno yelled, before closing the door.
    Aeon waved, before heading over to a nearby tree and sitting down to enjoy the muffin. Aeon was unique for a Furret, in that he was mostly black, save for the white markings on his face, the white tips of his ears, and white rings around his tail. He wasn't a shiny; those were a vivid, bubblegum pink, much to Aeon's disgust. On top of his unusual color palette, Aeon's eyes were a bright yellow shade with no pupils. Because of these unique traits, Aeon was often called a rat or vermin, usually followed by interactions similar to the one he had just had with the Blissey.
    As Aeon sat there and ate the muffin, he let out a heavy sigh. He had one thought consistently running through his head; a thought currently shared by Liu and Echo:
    "I bet nobody in the world has it worse than I do..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26 ⏰

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