Chapter 9

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Tim nods, still looking confused, but not surprised, "Okay..."

Lucy stares at him, "You already knew?"

Tim nods, "Talia told me." He holds up his hand to stop Lucy as her eyes widen in disbelief, "Listen, she wasn't ratting you out. She told me in confidence because I was your TO, and after what went down with Nolan running off to save you that day I got shot, she was justified in giving me that heads up. You may not see it, but she was trying to look out for you... And, in that case, specifically, for me, too."

Lucy frowns, working to set aside the complex feelings of guilt and betrayal and regret this entire situation is stirring up. "Why didn't you say anything?"

Tim shrugs. "I didn't feel like it was any of my business if it wasn't affecting your work. And from what I could tell, it wasn't. I did agree with Talia that it was probably a distraction you didn't need, but I'm not exactly the ideal spokesperson for preaching the evils of intra-cop dating. And to be honest..." he looks to Lucy for permission to continue, and she nods distractedly. "I didn't really expect it to last all that long."

Lucy shakes her head in disbelief. "Is there anyone that didn't know we were together? Wait — what? What is that supposed to mean?" she blurts out, as Tim's last comment sinks in.

"Look, Nolan's a good guy. A great guy, even. But you, you're..."

"I'm what, Tim?" Lucy asks, feeling defensive, though she's not entirely sure why.

Tim at least has the decency to look somewhat uncomfortable before continuing, "Look, Lucy, you're sensitive and empathetic and kind and all the nice guy Nolan things, but you're also fiery, and impulsive, and tough and I just — I don't know, I couldn't really see him being the right guy for you. You need someone that can push you, that can keep you on your toes."

Lucy feels her lips twitch, despite her annoyance at Tim's assessment of her and Nolan's relationship, "You sure do have a lot of opinions about who is and isn't the right guy for me, Tim."

Tim rolls his eyes. "You asked, I answered, Chen. So yeah, anyway, I knew, and I didn't find it particularly concerning, but I don't understand what any of this has to do with these," he gestures to the note and the photocopy.

Lucy sighs, turning her attention back to the whole reason she'd called Tim over to begin with. "I lied to IA," she says simply, "About me and Nolan. I was there with him the night Kyle Montgomery broke in, but I didn't want anyone to know about us, which apparently was entirely unnecessary, but I didn't know that at the time, so we covered it up. That's the only thing I can think of that would connect the first note to this file."

Tim frowns, and Lucy steels herself for his judgment, stickler for the rules that he is. "Wait — did you — did you say anything to IA about me and Nolan? If you knew, I mean?"

Tim shakes his head, "No. I told them the truth, which is that I don't get involved in my boot's personal affairs."

Lucy snorts at the ridiculousness of his words but also feels another unexpected surge of warmth towards him as the realization that he had been protecting her, even way back then, washes over her.

"I just — I don't get how any of this has anything to do with Tamara, or why anyone would care that Nolan and I dated?"

Tim glances at her, face softening in that way that tells her she's not going to like what he says next. "Lucy, honestly, at this point, I think you're the only one that cares that you and Nolan dated. Listen, you've gotten 2 messages, right? 'Liar' and 'Hypocrite'."

Lucy presses her lips together at his dismissal but nods for him to continue.

"Seems like it's less about you and Nolan and more about the fact that you lied to IA and felt somehow justified in that lie, while continuing to hold others to a different standard..."

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