Chapter 20

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Lucy is sure of very little when her eyes open to a bleary view of a discolored popcorn ceiling. Her head is throbbing. She instinctively moves to touch the back of her head only to realize her hands are immobilized, bound together with something underneath her back. And from there she's quick to survey the rest of her situation — mouth covered with some kind of tape and her feet secured together with what also appears to be duct tape, from the glimpse she can make out by lifting her head. She's in a dingy and sparsely furnished apartment living room. And as far as she can tell, there's no one in the small room or connected kitchen with her.

She begins to wriggle, trying both to understand her range of motion and to confirm whether or not she still has the two items she is desperately hoping are still there, but the movement confirms the absence of her phone in her back pocket and the absence of her off-duty weapon at the small of her back.

Realizing she can sit up, she eyes the wall a few feet away, wondering if she might be able to launch to her feet with enough momentum. It's not much — she won't be going very far with her hands and feet bound, but it's at least a slightly more advantaged position than lying prone on her back in the middle of the room. And so she rolls — once, twice — until she's next to the wall, and then squirms until she's in a seated position, back against the wall, her movements providing the added benefit of securing her the slightest bit more slack in her bindings.

Now upright, she more carefully surveys her surroundings, looking for something — anything — that might help her get free of the tape, while also trying to remember the exact events leading up to her waking up in this dismal room.


Tim doesn't see the texts from Lucy until he returns from a quick walk with Kujo. He can't help the feeling of unease that creeps into his stomach as he reads her messages, briefly considering dropping everything and heading to her location right then.

But he knows Lucy has been working hard to build a connection with these girls and won't appreciate him barging into the middle of what is sure to be a sensitive conversation. And since the run-in at the gas station with Half-Life the other day and the latest non-professional developments between them, Tim is really making an effort to keep his protective instincts toward Lucy in check. He needs her to know that he trusts her, and has no doubt in her ability to handle herself.

He doesn't entirely buy Lucy's argument that the notes are no longer as big of a concern, but even he has to admit that it's a relief to know that the person who shot Tamara isn't behind the strange messages. But if Lucy is going to be working this evening, there's no reason he can't do the same. He dials Angela's number, and she picks up on the first ring, "Tim?"

"Hey, Angela. Look, Lucy got another note. This time it was left on her windshield while her car was in the station garage. Can you have someone run through the camera footage and see if we can't get to the bottom of this?"

Angela's quiet for a moment, and Tim is certain she has questions about why Tim is calling her instead of Lucy, especially so late into the evening, but he also knows she won't push him for an explanation... yet. She knows he'll talk eventually when he's ready.

"Sure — I'll get someone from the night shift on it. Do you know where she was parked?"

"She's usually on the south side of the 3rd floor; I'll confirm with her though, and let you know if not."

After he hangs up, he shoots Lucy a text, "Hey — let me know you and Marissa are okay. And let me know where you parked today when you get a chance."

He has no doubt she'll be mildly irritated that he's launched an investigation into the third note without her, but he also doubts she'll be surprised.

Tim turns his attention to his laptop and types the title of the article into the search bar: New Data: California jails are increasingly deadly places.

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