Chapter One:Arrival

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I’d never given much thought to how I would die. But dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go. So I can’t bring myself to regret the decision to leave home. I would miss Phoenix. I’d miss the heat. I would miss my loving, erratic, harebrained mother. And her new husband…But they want to go on the road, so I’m gonna spend some time with my dad, and this will be a good thing. I think. In the state of Washington, under a near constant cover of clouds and rain, there’s a small town named Forks. Population, 3,120 people.

"You guys coming we aren't going to wait all day you know" the step-father said "We're coming okay" Bella said while holding alot of luggage

'ill take that for you"Y/n says will running to take the luggage as fast as he can

"Lets get to the airport or you guys will be late" Bella' s mother said


"You think they got some fun stuff to do over ther" Y/n says while looking over to Bella

"I don't know just hope it will be over soon" Bella said before trying to get some sleep.

"Oh...."Y/n said with a crack in his voice" No i... I just mean that i don't know people there and its just going to be like it is here" Bella said looking upset.

"Understandable but you shouldn't be so down you don't know what tomorrow might bring, we should get some shut eye"

"Yeah, goodnight Y/n" Bella said getting back in her sleeping positoin

"Goodnight Bella" Y/n said doing the same.


"This place seems peaceful not going to lie to you" Bella said while gazing at the woods from the taxi window

"See i told you, you got to be patient and wait" Y/n said looking outside
"Thanks 'Dad'"Bella says while rowling her eyes


Y/n proceeds to knock on a door
"Im coming" The voice inside the house says

The door opens and the man hugs you and Bella "How you kids doing how was your flight" Charlie Swan says

"It was ok back still hurts tho" Y/n answers "Yeah same" Bella adds

"Lets me show yall your rooms" Charlie says while walking upstairs
"Here is your room Bella"

"And here is your room Y/n"

For reference :

"Thank you very much Mister Charlie" Y/n says while walking in the room "Dont worry about it kid"Charlie says while closing the door

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"Thank you very much Mister Charlie" Y/n says while walking in the room "Dont worry about it kid"Charlie says while closing the door

" Wow Dad lived here in this town"
Y/n says but something catches his eye.Keys and a helmet on the counter be the computer and a piece of paper

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