Chapter 10:Dance

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Your now one of us boy those words repeating in Y/N mind but gets snapped back to reality when Edward comes out of a hospital room.

"She awake..." Y/N asks Edward. "Yeah she was asking where you were." Edward says walking past him but stops putting a shoulder on Y/N.

"Don't make that change you..." Edward points to Y/N 's shoulder. "To me your a friend there aren't alot i call friend."Edward says walking away.

He then stands there for a few moments. Y/N then opens the room door and sees Bella looking up to the TV.

"What you watching huh." Y/N says sitting next to her hospital bed. "Hey Y/N, Nothing much just sport."Bella says switching of the TV.

" How you feeling...after you know the thing. "Y/N says holding her hand." Better but how did you survive you have no scars. "Bella asks Y/N.

" Sorry its.... not my secret to tell Bella im sorry. " Y/N says standing up looking down." Fine um.. when are you going to be able to tell me then"Bella asks the overthinking Y/N.

"Im sorry but I don't know.... I think its time for me to go." Y/N says walking to the door. "I hope you get better Bella..." He says walking out.

He then walks out to see Alice sitting on a chair. "Hey.... Y/N how you been...." She asks walking over to him fidgeting with her hands.

Y/N try's ignoring her by walking away. "Hey wait up.... Y/N hold up" Alice says trying to catch up to him but then sees a door.

She then speeds up grabs Y/N and pushes him into the room. "What the hell is up with you" She shouts.

"What the hell is up with me what up with you keeping secrets...." He screams back. "What are you talking about Y/N." Alice asks looking up him.

".... Did you know yes or no..." He asks trying not to burst open with rage. "What?.." She asks baffled.

"DID YOU KNOW YES OR NO" He shouts at her. "..... Yes....." She says under her breath.

"I trusted you.... I loved you and you hold this secret from me... how long" He asks her turning around.

"Since you got angry thats why me and Edward had to... You know."She answers looking away."I will be able to look past that." Y/N says walking up to her and holding her by her chin.

"Because i love you Alice. " He says taking her face and kissing her. She then pulls away and says "I love you too Y/N they start kissing again.


Y/N, Charlie and Edward are now sitting in the living room. Y/N and Edward are wearing suits waiting for there dates.

Y/N :

The three of them then see Bella and Alice walk down the stairs

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The three of them then see Bella and Alice walk down the stairs.


"You lady's are looking beautiful shall we

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"You lady's are looking beautiful shall we." Y/N says bowing down and pointing to the door.

Bella and Alice rowl they're eyes and waks to the door. "See ya Charlie" Y/N says waiving bye to him.


When they get to the partyBella and Y/N sit down."You know after all that you guys still don't look worse than me danm." Jacob says from behind a tree.

"Hey Jacob!" Bella says hugging Jacob. "Hey um after the party um my dad wants to talk to you before you go..." Jacob says dabbing up Y/N.

"Fine....See you later Cuz." Y/N says hugging Jacob. "Hey guys we should go... Hey Jacob." Alice said slowing her words down.

"I think i should leave by guys." Jacob says waiving bye. "Bye..." the two teenagers says.

*In the party*

The four of them then walk into the party area they see all there family and friends partying.

*After a while*

Alice and Y/N are laying on the grass talking to each other. "What are you going to do now that you finished..." Alice asks Y/N.

"I already made the choice im going to be just like the person i look up Charlie but more higher up you know detective." Y/N says laying down to the patch of grass.

"Oh detective Y/N on the case wow!!" She chuckles. "What you think its funny huh... Is this funny." He then starts tickeling her.

He then gets on top of her and tickles her until out of breath. She then grabs him and kisses him. "But how long are you going to the academy tho...." Alice says pulling away.

"A year... three at the most." He says looking deep into her eyes. "Ok no more than two..." She says grabbing him by his collar.

"Fine.....ill call everyday...." He says kissing her again. "So what are we now huh friends or more." Alice says standing up.

"We're boyfriend and girlfriend simple as that...." He says shrugging. "You sound like a twelve year old."She says pulling him into a hug.

" Eh easiest way to to put it beautiful"He says lifting up her chin.
"Get rizzed..." He then kisses her passionately and then proceeds to put his tongue in her mouth.

The scene then pands out to Victoria watching over them.


A/N :Hey guys this will be the last Chapter of this book even tough i have uploaded alot of notes ill upload another one and as alway have a great day.

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