Chapter 4:Secrets?

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A/N :Hey guys am back from my little break, lets catch this up then.


Y/N is now sitting with my Mike, Eric and the other girls and talking about plans for later in the week.

"Hey guys." Bella says walking up to the group. "Hey you ready for this weekend." Eric asks.

"What are we going to do." Bella asks intrigued. "Down to the beach for sum surfing." Y/N says.

"Mabye ill see if i can come." Bella says walking over to the vegetable section of the cafeteria.

Edward walks up to her. "Your moodswings are giving me whiplash" Bella says picking up a apple.

"Sorry im just trying to tell you that its best if were not around each other." Edward says.

The whole group sees them talking and starts to listen in. But then someone keeps up on Y/N.

"Why are you guys so fascinated by them talking." Alice asks sittingg next to Y/N.

"They are, im just checking if Bella is ok i don't trust him." Y/N says looking over at Edward.

"He wouldn't do anything to hurt her." Alice says getting close to Y/N.

"Its not that i think he would hurt her it's that you and him are hiding something from us."He says looking at her face to face.

Y/N gets up and walks over to Bella after she talks to Edward and they start walking down the hall.

"They're hidding something"Y/N says to Bella while only looking forward.

"Yeah we have to find out what"She says going to her locker and puts her books in and leaves.


Y/N and Bella are sitting at the trucks and are talking to the group.

They then see Jacob and his friends walk up." Whats up guys what yall doing here." Jacob asks Y/N.

"Just here to swim and surf, but not me not really my thing." Y/N says to Jacob while dabbing him up.

"You could keep Bella busy her date left her."The girl with glasses says.

"Who?" Jacob asked intrigued. "Edward Cullen" She says.

"Ofcourse he doesn't come around here" Jacobs friend group adds in the conversation.


"Hey Jacob what did they mean by they don't come around here" Bella says walking with Jacob and Y/N.

I'd never given much
What did your friends mean about,
you know, "The Cullens don't come here?"

You caught that, huh?

I'm not really supposed
to say anything about it.

"Hey, I can keep a secret."Bella says trying to convince him to tell her

Really, it's just like an old scary story."

Well, I want to know.

"Okay, did you know Quileutes
are supposedly descended from wolves"Jackob says to both Y/n and Bella.

"So what's the story about the Cullens?"Y/N asks Jacob.

"Well, they're supposedly descended
from this, like, enemy clan,My great grandfather, the chief,
found them hunting on our land."Jacob then breaths in and out and starts again.

"But they claimed to be something different,so we made a treaty with them. If they promised to stay off Quileute lands then we wouldn't expose what they really were to the palefaces"Jackob says.


Everyone is sitting in the sunbathing and enjoying the weather.

"They're not coming you know" The girl says to Bella and Y/N."What do you mean." Bella asks the girl.

"Everytime the weather is good the Cullens disappears"She says going to lay down.

" Ms. Cullen takes them for hikes or something"She says to them both.


"Hey imma go withe girls for a dress for them" Bell says to Y/N.

"Sure but just be safe these animal attacks are getting pretty suspicious" He says hugging Bella

"Ok ....i think your going to be pretty busy." Bella says looking around him to see Alice walking up.

"Hey guys... Um can i borrow Y/N for a moment. Alice says pulling on Y/N 's arm.

" Sure bye you guys. "Bella says walking away.

"Hey you wanna go over to that place we were a few weeks ago." Alice asks looking up to Y/N.

They get on the motorcycle and they drive off.


Y/N and Alice are sitting on the edge of a hill looking at the town.

"Ill never get over this view."He says smiling the widest he can."It really is breath taking."Alice says laying on his shoulder.

" 'Breath taking' Wow what are you fifty or something. "Y/N laughs. He looks over at Alice rowl her eyes.

" What didn't like that joke. "He says putting his hand on her but pulls it back immediately.

" Your hands are cold and i mean ice cold. "He says looking her in the eyes.

She comes closer and says" I know its a little cold. "trying to be as convincing as she can.

He then puts his and on her cheek
"When will you tell me the truth."He says then pulls away getting up.

" I think we should go its getting late."Y/N says looking down at Alice.

" Yeah your right"Alice says disappointed and gets up.


Alice and Y/N are on the motorcycle drivin and police lights on at the station and they drive over to investigate.

They then see Bella and Edward arrive too."What happend" Y/N asks Bella.

They then see Dr. Cullen walk out of the twin doors. "What happend" The group says to him.

"Waylen Forge found in the woods near his place." The group are socked.

"You two should go check on Charlie that was his friend..." Dr Cullen says.

Y/N and Bella walk to Charlie and hugs him. He then gives Bella pepper spray and Y/N a combat knife.


Y/N and Bella are sitting in Bella's room and they are discussing the secrets being held from them from the Cullens.

"Hey i think i found something out, um did Edward have cold body." He aks Bella.

"Yeah he did" Bella says wondering how he knew that information.

"Open you computer." Y/N asks and then Bella realises why he's saying this.

"They're vampires"They say in unison.


A/N:Hope you guys guys enjoyed this chapter im deprived of sleep so goodbye everyone.

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