Chapter 1 :Freedom Cry

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Here I am back at last on my most loved fanfiction and without further ado enjoy.


Freedom.... What is the meaning to be free.... Your never free until you don't think about anything, loved ones, pets, family... When you take in that little bit of fresh air and you feel bliss.

Paw prints can be seen on the wet muddy ground. But then a black big figure runs by.

The Wolf then stops and its hears twitch trying to hear what around it

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The Wolf then stops and its hears twitch trying to hear what around it.
"Y/N your foods ready" A old female voice can be heard from afar.

The animal then runs in the direction of the voice moving faster the more it runs. The Wolf stops right before heading out of the forest area.

It stands and screams (No not howl) getting smaller and smaller.

Y/N stands up looking around the area he then sees his bag and takes his clothes he saved for later, and puts it on.

He then gets a notification on his phone unaware who it is he continues continues to put on his clothes and walk to a close suburban area.

He then sees a elderly woman looking at him and holding a wooden spoon.
"Your late... Were you running around again..." The Woman asks.

"Im a grown man i dont have to tell you were i go..."He says before getting hit with a spoon on his back and head.

" Im still your mother and your still my son so i don't don't give a danm. "His mother says.

" Ok ok im sorry ill update you next time" He says walking to his mothers house. "So.... Are you going." His mother asks him while walking down the street.

"Yes i don't have a choice im stationed there too now so ill be working with Uncle Charlie and its her wedding I wouldn't miss it for the world." He says looking at birds flying by.

"Well good you need to get out of here your Mom needs her alone time and she got to get back in the game." She says chuckling walking into the house.

"Don't ever says that again please that almost made me puke..." He says looking at her in disappointment.

"Oh shut up and get packing you got 3 hours to drive there."His mother says walking into the kitchen.


Y/N is now packing up his all his luggage for his flight he then looks over at his computer and sees he's getting a video call and answers it.

" Hey Bell whats up.. "He asks Bella.
" Nothiing much just getting everything ready never knew there so much to do"She says drinking water.

"Well don't stress to much ill be there tomorrow morning so it won't be that bad." He says jokingly.

"Hey is it weird that im overthinking this." Bella asks him. "No its normal you don't know if your ready yet just sleep on it we will talk when i get there." He says to her.

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